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import { GraphQLFieldExtensions, GraphQLInterfaceType, GraphQLInterfaceTypeExtensions, GraphQLIsTypeOfFn, GraphQLList, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLObjectTypeExtensions, GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLTypeResolver, GraphQLUnionType, GraphQLType } from "graphql/type/definition";
import { Arg, InferValueFromArgs, InputType, ScalarType, EnumType, ListType, NonNullType } from "./api-without-context";
import type { NullableType, Type } from "./type";
import type { object, field, interface as interfaceFunc } from "./api-with-context";
export declare type __toMakeTypeScriptEmitImportsForItemsOnlyUsedInJSDoc = [
typeof interfaceFunc,
typeof field,
typeof object,
* Any output list type. This type only exists because of limitations in circular types.
* If you want to represent any list input type, you should do
* `ListType<OutputType<Context>>`.
declare type OutputListType<Context> = {
kind: "list";
of: OutputType<Context>;
graphQLType: GraphQLList<GraphQLType>;
__context: (context: Context) => void;
* Any nullable GraphQL **output** type for a given `Context`.
* See also:
* - {@link NullableType}
* - {@link InputType}
* - {@link OutputType}
export declare type NullableOutputType<Context> = ScalarType<any> | ObjectType<any, Context> | UnionType<any, Context> | InterfaceType<any, any, Context> | EnumType<any> | OutputListType<Context>;
* Any GraphQL **output** type for a given `Context`.
* See also:
* - {@link Type}
* - {@link InputType}
* - {@link NullableOutputType}
export declare type OutputType<Context> = NullableOutputType<Context> | NonNullType<NullableOutputType<Context>>;
declare type OutputListTypeForInference<Of extends OutputType<any>> = ListType<Of>;
declare type InferValueFromOutputTypeWithoutAddingNull<Type extends OutputType<any>> = Type extends ScalarType<infer Value> ? Value : Type extends EnumType<infer Values> ? Values[keyof Values]["value"] : Type extends OutputListTypeForInference<infer Value> ? // the `object` bit is here because graphql checks `typeof maybeIterable === 'object'`
object & Iterable<InferValueFromOutputType<Value>> : Type extends ObjectType<infer Source, any> ? Source : Type extends UnionType<infer Source, any> ? Source : Type extends InterfaceType<infer Source, any, any> ? Source : never;
declare type OutputNonNullTypeForInference<Of extends NullableOutputType<any>> = NonNullType<Of>;
export declare type InferValueFromOutputType<Type extends OutputType<any>> = MaybePromise<Type extends OutputNonNullTypeForInference<infer Value> ? InferValueFromOutputTypeWithoutAddingNull<Value> : InferValueFromOutputTypeWithoutAddingNull<Type> | null | undefined>;
/** A GraphQL object type which should be created using {@link object `graphql.object`}. */
export declare type ObjectType<Source, Context> = {
kind: "object";
graphQLType: GraphQLObjectType;
__context: (context: Context) => void;
__source: Source;
declare type MaybePromise<T> = Promise<T> | T;
export declare type FieldResolver<Source, Args extends Record<string, Arg<InputType>>, TType extends OutputType<Context>, Context> = (source: Source, args: InferValueFromArgs<Args>, context: Context, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => InferValueFromOutputType<TType>;
* A GraphQL output field for an {@link ObjectType} which should be created using
* {@link field `graphql.field`}.
export declare type Field<Source, Args extends Record<string, Arg<InputType>>, TType extends OutputType<Context>, Key extends string, Context> = {
args?: Args;
type: TType;
__key: (key: Key) => void;
__source: (source: Source) => void;
__context: (context: Context) => void;
resolve?: FieldResolver<Source, Args, TType, Context>;
deprecationReason?: string;
description?: string;
extensions?: Readonly<GraphQLFieldExtensions<Source, Context, InferValueFromArgs<Args>>>;
export declare type InterfaceField<Args extends Record<string, Arg<InputType>>, Type extends OutputType<Context>, Context> = {
args?: Args;
type: Type;
deprecationReason?: string;
description?: string;
extensions?: Readonly<GraphQLFieldExtensions<any, any, InferValueFromArgs<Args>>>;
declare type SomeTypeThatIsntARecordOfArgs = string;
declare type FieldFuncResolve<Source, Args extends {
[Key in keyof Args]: Arg<InputType>;
}, Type extends OutputType<Context>, Key extends string, Context> = [
] extends [keyof Source] ? Source[Key] extends InferValueFromOutputType<Type> | ((args: InferValueFromArgs<Args>, context: Context, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => InferValueFromOutputType<Type>) ? {
resolve?: FieldResolver<Source, SomeTypeThatIsntARecordOfArgs extends Args ? {} : Args, Type, Context>;
} : {
resolve: FieldResolver<Source, SomeTypeThatIsntARecordOfArgs extends Args ? {} : Args, Type, Context>;
} : {
resolve: FieldResolver<Source, SomeTypeThatIsntARecordOfArgs extends Args ? {} : Args, Type, Context>;
declare type FieldFuncArgs<Source, Args extends {
[Key in keyof Args]: Arg<InputType>;
}, Type extends OutputType<Context>, Key extends string, Context> = {
args?: Args;
type: Type;
deprecationReason?: string;
description?: string;
extensions?: Readonly<GraphQLFieldExtensions<Source, unknown>>;
} & FieldFuncResolve<Source, Args, Type, Key, Context>;
export declare type FieldFunc<Context> = <Source, Type extends OutputType<Context>, Key extends string, Args extends {
[Key in keyof Args]: Arg<InputType>;
} = {}>(field: FieldFuncArgs<Source, Args, Type, Key, Context>) => Field<Source, Args, Type, Key, Context>;
export declare type InterfaceToInterfaceFields<Interface extends InterfaceType<any, any, any>> = Interface extends InterfaceType<any, infer Fields, any> ? Fields : never;
declare type InterfaceFieldToOutputField<Source, Context, TField extends InterfaceField<any, any, Context>, Key extends string> = TField extends InterfaceField<infer Args, infer OutputType, Context> ? Field<Source, Args, OutputType, Key, Context> : never;
declare type InterfaceFieldsToOutputFields<Source, Context, Fields extends {
[Key in keyof Fields]: InterfaceField<any, any, Context>;
}> = {
[Key in keyof Fields]: InterfaceFieldToOutputField<Source, Context, Fields[Key], Extract<Key, string>>;
declare type UnionToIntersection<T> = (T extends any ? (x: T) => any : never) extends (x: infer R) => any ? R : never;
export declare type InterfacesToOutputFields<Source, Context, Interfaces extends readonly InterfaceType<Source, any, Context>[]> = UnionToIntersection<InterfaceFieldsToOutputFields<Source, Context, InterfaceToInterfaceFields<Interfaces[number]>>>;
* Creates a GraphQL object type.
* See the docs of {@link object `graphql.object`} for more details.
export declare type ObjectTypeFunc<Context> = <Source>(youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction?: {
youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction: true;
}) => <Fields extends {
[Key in keyof Fields]: Field<Source, any, any, Extract<Key, string>, Context>;
} & InterfacesToOutputFields<Source, Context, Interfaces>, Interfaces extends readonly InterfaceType<Source, any, Context>[] = []>(config: {
name: string;
fields: Fields | (() => Fields);
* A description of the object type that is visible when introspected.
* ```ts
* type Person = { name: string };
* const Person = graphql.object<Person>()({
* name: "Person",
* description: "A person does things!",
* fields: {
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* """
* A person does things!
* """
* type Person {
* name: String
* }
* `;
* ```
description?: string;
* A number of interfaces that the object type implements. See
* `graphql.interface` for more information.
* ```ts
* const Node = graphql.interface<{ kind: string }>()({
* name: "Node",
* resolveType: (source) => source.kind,
* fields: {
* id: graphql.interfaceField({ type: graphql.ID }),
* },
* });
* const Person = graphql.object<{ kind: "Person"; id: string }>()({
* name: "Person",
* interfaces: [Node],
* fields: {
* id: graphql.field({ type: graphql.ID }),
* },
* });
* ```
interfaces?: [...Interfaces];
isTypeOf?: GraphQLIsTypeOfFn<unknown, Context>;
extensions?: Readonly<GraphQLObjectTypeExtensions<Source, Context>>;
}) => ObjectType<Source, Context>;
export declare type UnionType<Source, Context> = {
kind: "union";
__source: Source;
__context: (context: Context) => void;
graphQLType: GraphQLUnionType;
export declare type UnionTypeFunc<Context> = <TObjectType extends ObjectType<any, Context>>(config: {
name: string;
description?: string;
types: TObjectType[];
resolveType?: (type: TObjectType["__source"], context: Context, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, abstractType: GraphQLUnionType) => string;
}) => UnionType<TObjectType["__source"], Context>;
export declare type FieldsFunc<Context> = <Source>(youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction?: {
youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction: true;
}) => <Fields extends {
[Key in keyof Fields]: Field<Source, any, any, Extract<Key, string>, Context>;
}>(fields: Fields) => Fields;
declare type InterfaceFieldFuncArgs<Source, Args extends {
[Key in keyof Args]: Arg<InputType>;
}, Type extends OutputType<Context>, Context> = {
args?: Args;
type: Type;
deprecationReason?: string;
description?: string;
extensions?: Readonly<GraphQLFieldExtensions<Source, unknown>>;
export declare type InterfaceFieldFunc<Context> = <Source, Type extends OutputType<Context>, Args extends {
[Key in keyof Args]: Arg<InputType>;
} = {}>(field: InterfaceFieldFuncArgs<Source, Args, Type, Context>) => InterfaceField<Args, Type, Context>;
export declare type InterfaceType<Source, Fields extends Record<string, InterfaceField<any, OutputType<Context>, Context>>, Context> = {
kind: "interface";
__source: (source: Source) => void;
__context: (context: Context) => void;
__fields: Fields;
graphQLType: GraphQLInterfaceType;
export declare type InterfaceTypeFunc<Context> = <Source>(youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction?: {
youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction: true;
}) => <Fields extends {
[Key in keyof Fields]: InterfaceField<any, OutputType<Context>, Context>;
} & UnionToIntersection<InterfaceToInterfaceFields<Interfaces[number]>>, Interfaces extends readonly InterfaceType<Source, any, Context>[] = []>(config: {
name: string;
description?: string;
deprecationReason?: string;
interfaces?: [...Interfaces];
resolveType?: GraphQLTypeResolver<Source, Context>;
fields: Fields | (() => Fields);
extensions?: Readonly<GraphQLInterfaceTypeExtensions>;
}) => InterfaceType<Source, Fields, Context>;
export declare type GraphQLSchemaAPIWithContext<Context> = {
* Creates a GraphQL object type.
* Note this is an **output** type, if you want an input object, use
* `graphql.inputObject`.
* When calling `graphql.object`, you must provide a type parameter that is
* the source of the object type. The source is what you receive as the first
* argument of resolvers on this type and what you must return from resolvers
* of fields that return this type.
* ```ts
* const Person = graphql.object<{ name: string }>()({
* name: "Person",
* fields: {
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* type Person {
* name: String
* }
* `;
* ```
* ## Writing resolvers
* To do anything other than just return a field from the source type, you
* need to provide a resolver.
* Note: TypeScript will force you to provide a resolve function if the field
* in the source type and the GraphQL field don't match
* ```ts
* const Person = graphql.object<{ name: string }>()({
* name: "Person",
* fields: {
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* excitedName: graphql.field({
* type: graphql.String,
* resolve(source, args, context, info) {
* return `${source.name}!`;
* },
* }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ## Circularity
* GraphQL types will often contain references to themselves and to make
* TypeScript allow that, you need have an explicit type annotation of
* `graphql.ObjectType<Source>` along with making `fields` a function that
* returns the object.
* ```ts
* type PersonSource = { name: string; friends: PersonSource[] };
* const Person: graphql.ObjectType<PersonSource> =
* graphql.object<PersonSource>()({
* name: "Person",
* fields: () => ({
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* friends: graphql.field({ type: graphql.list(Person) }),
* }),
* });
* ```
object: ObjectTypeFunc<Context>;
* Create a GraphQL union type.
* A union type represents an object that could be one of a list of types.
* Note it is similar to an {@link InterfaceType} except that a union doesn't
* imply having a common set of fields among the member types.
* ```ts
* const A = graphql.object<{ __typename: "A" }>()({
* name: "A",
* fields: {
* something: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* const B = graphql.object<{ __typename: "B" }>()({
* name: "B",
* fields: {
* differentThing: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* const AOrB = graphql.union({
* name: "AOrB",
* types: [A, B],
* });
* ```
union: UnionTypeFunc<Context>;
* Creates a GraphQL field.
* These will generally be passed directly to the `fields` object in a
* `graphql.object` call.
* ```ts
* const Something = graphql.object<{ thing: string }>()({
* name: "Something",
* fields: {
* thing: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* ```
field: FieldFunc<Context>;
* A helper to easily share fields across object and interface types.
* ```ts
* const nodeFields = graphql.fields<{ id: string }>()({
* id: graphql.field({ type: graphql.ID }),
* });
* const Node = graphql.field({
* name: "Node",
* fields: nodeFields,
* });
* const Person = graphql.object<{
* __typename: "Person";
* id: string;
* name: string;
* }>()({
* name: "Person",
* interfaces: [Node],
* fields: {
* ...nodeFields,
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ## Why use `graphql.fields` instead of just creating an object?
* The definition of Field in `@graphql-ts/schema` has some special things,
* let's look at the definition of it:
* ```ts
* type Field<
* Source,
* Args extends Record<string, Arg<InputType>>,
* TType extends OutputType<Context>,
* Key extends string,
* Context
* > = ...;
* ```
* There's two especially notable bits in there which need to be inferred from
* elsewhere, the `Source` and `Key` type params.
* The `Source` is pretty simple and it's quite simple to see why
* `graphql.fields` is useful here. You could explicitly write it with
* resolvers on the first arg but you'd have to do that on every field which
* would get very repetitive and wouldn't work for fields without resolvers.
* ```ts
* const someFields = graphql.fields<{ name: string }>()({
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* });
* ```
* The `Key` type param might seem a bit more strange though. What it's saying
* is that *the key that a field is at is part of its TypeScript type*.
* This is important to be able to represent the fact that a resolver is
* optional if the `Source` has a property at the `Key` that matches the output type.
* ```ts
* // this is allowed
* const someFields = graphql.fields<{ name: string }>()({
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* });
* const someFields = graphql.fields<{ name: string }>()({
* someName: graphql.field({
* // a resolver is required here since the Source is missing a `someName` property
* type: graphql.String,
* }),
* });
* ```
* Note that there is no similar function for {@link Arg args} since they don't
* need special type parameters like {@link Field} does so you can create a
* regular object and put {@link Arg args} in it if you want to share them.
fields: FieldsFunc<Context>;
* Creates a GraphQL interface field.
* These will generally be passed directly to `fields` object in a
* {@link interfaceFunc `graphql.interface`} call. Interfaces fields are
* similar to {@link Field regular fields} except that they **don't define how
* the field is resolved**.
* ```ts
* const Entity = graphql.interface()({
* name: "Entity",
* fields: {
* name: graphql.interfaceField({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* ```
* Note that {@link Field regular fields} are assignable to
* {@link InterfaceField interface fields} but the opposite is not true. This
* means that you can use a regular field in an {@link InterfaceType interface type}.
interfaceField: InterfaceFieldFunc<Context>;
* Creates a GraphQL interface type that can be implemented by other GraphQL
* object and interface types.
* ```ts
* const Entity = graphql.interface()({
* name: "Entity",
* fields: {
* name: graphql.interfaceField({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* type PersonSource = { __typename: "Person"; name: string };
* const Person = graphql.object<PersonSource>()({
* name: "Person",
* interfaces: [Entity],
* fields: {
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* type OrganisationSource = {
* __typename: "Organisation";
* name: string;
* };
* const Organisation = graphql.object<OrganisationSource>()({
* name: "Organisation",
* interfaces: [Entity],
* fields: {
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ## Resolving Types
* When using GraphQL interface and union types, there needs to a way to
* determine which concrete object type has been returned from a resolver.
* With `graphql-js` and `@graphql-ts/schema`, this is done with `isTypeOf` on
* object types and `resolveType` on interface and union types. Note
* `@graphql-ts/schema` **does not aim to strictly type the implementation of
* `resolveType` and `isTypeOf`**. If you don't provide `resolveType` or
* `isTypeOf`, a `__typename` property on the source type will be used, if
* that fails, an error will be thrown at runtime.
* ## Fields vs Interface Fields
* You might have noticed that `graphql.interfaceField` was used instead of
* `graphql.field` for the fields on the interfaces. This is because
* **interfaces aren't defining implementation of fields** which means that
* fields on an interface don't need define resolvers.
* ## Sharing field implementations
* Even though interfaces don't contain field implementations, you may still
* want to share field implementations between interface implementations. You
* can use `graphql.fields` to do that. See `graphql.fields` for more
* information about why you should use `graphql.fields` instead of just
* defining an object the fields and spreading that.
* ```ts
* const nodeFields = graphql.fields<{ id: string }>({
* id: graphql.field({ type: graphql.ID }),
* });
* const Node = graphql.field({
* name: "Node",
* fields: nodeFields,
* });
* const Person = graphql.object<{
* __typename: "Person";
* id: string;
* name: string;
* }>()({
* name: "Person",
* interfaces: [Node],
* fields: {
* ...nodeFields,
* name: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* ```
interface: InterfaceTypeFunc<Context>;
export declare function bindGraphQLSchemaAPIToContext<Context>(): GraphQLSchemaAPIWithContext<Context>;
export {};
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