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* The `graphql` export is the primary entrypoint into `@graphql-ts/schema` that
* lets you compose GraphQL types into a GraphQL Schema
* A simple schema with only a query type looks like this.
* ```ts
* import { graphql } from "@graphql-ts/schema";
* import { GraphQLSchema, graphql as runGraphQL } from "graphql";
* const Query = graphql.object()({
* name: "Query",
* fields: {
* hello: graphql.field({
* type: graphql.String,
* resolve() {
* return "Hello!";
* },
* }),
* },
* });
* const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
* query: Query.graphQLType,
* });
* runGraphQL({
* source: `
* query {
* hello
* }
* `,
* schema,
* }).then((result) => {
* console.log(result);
* });
* ```
* You can use pass the `graphQLSchema` to `ApolloServer` and other GraphQL servers.
* You can also create a more advanced schema with other object types, args and mutations.
* ```ts
* import { graphql } from "@graphql-ts/schema";
* import { GraphQLSchema, graphql as runGraphQL } from "graphql";
* import { deepEqual } from "assert";
* type TodoItem = {
* title: string;
* };
* const todos: TodoItem[] = [];
* const Todo = graphql.object<TodoItem>({
* name: "Todo",
* fields: {
* title: graphql.field({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* const Query = graphql.object()({
* name: "Query",
* fields: {
* todos: graphql.field({
* type: graphql.list(Todo),
* resolve() {
* return todos;
* },
* }),
* },
* });
* const Mutation = graphql.object()({
* name: "Mutation",
* fields: {
* createTodo: graphql.field({
* args: {
* title: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* type: Todo,
* resolve(source, { title }) {
* const todo = { title };
* todos.push(todo);
* return todo;
* },
* }),
* },
* });
* const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
* query: Query.graphQLType,
* mutation: Mutation.graphQLType,
* });
* (async () => {
* const result = await runGraphQL({
* source: `
* query {
* todos {
* title
* }
* }
* `,
* schema,
* });
* deepEqual(result, { data: { todos: [] } });
* const result = await runGraphQL({
* source: `
* mutation {
* createTodo(title: "Try @graphql-ts/schema") {
* title
* }
* }
* `,
* schema,
* });
* deepEqual(result, {
* data: { createTodo: { title: "Try @graphql-ts/schema" } },
* });
* const result = await runGraphQL({
* source: `
* query {
* todos {
* title
* }
* }
* `,
* schema,
* });
* deepEqual(result, {
* data: { todos: [{ title: "Try @graphql-ts/schema" }] },
* });
* })();
* ```
* For information on how to construct other types like input objects, unions,
* interfaces and enums and more detailed information, see the documentation in
* the `graphql` export below.
* When using it, you're going to want to create your own version of it bound to
* your specific `Context` type.
* @module
import * as graphql from ".";
export { field, object } from "./api-with-context";
export { arg, Boolean, Float, ID, Int, String, inputObject, list, nonNull, enum, enumValues, } from "./api-without-context";
export { fields, interface, interfaceField, union } from "./api-with-context";
export type { InferValueFromArg, InferValueFromArgs, InferValueFromInputType, InferValueFromOutputType, InputObjectType, InputType, ListType, NonNullType, NullableInputType, ScalarType, EnumType, EnumValue, Arg, } from "./api-without-context";
export { scalar } from "./api-without-context";
* The particular `Context` type for this `graphql` export that is provided to
* field resolvers.
* Below, there are many types exported which are similar to the types with the
* same names exported from the root of the package except that they are bound
* to the `Context` type so they can be used elsewhere without needing to be
* bound to the context on every usage.
export declare type Context = unknown;
export declare type NullableType = graphql.NullableType<Context>;
export declare type Type = graphql.Type<Context>;
export declare type NullableOutputType = graphql.NullableOutputType<Context>;
export declare type OutputType = graphql.OutputType<Context>;
export declare type Field<Source, Args extends Record<string, graphql.Arg<graphql.InputType>>, TType extends OutputType, Key extends string> = graphql.Field<Source, Args, TType, Key, Context>;
export declare type FieldResolver<Source, Args extends Record<string, graphql.Arg<graphql.InputType>>, TType extends OutputType> = graphql.FieldResolver<Source, Args, TType, Context>;
export declare type ObjectType<Source> = graphql.ObjectType<Source, Context>;
export declare type UnionType<Source> = graphql.UnionType<Source, Context>;
export declare type InterfaceType<Source, Fields extends Record<string, graphql.InterfaceField<Record<string, graphql.Arg<graphql.InputType>>, OutputType, Context>>> = graphql.InterfaceType<Source, Fields, Context>;
export declare type InterfaceField<Args extends Record<string, graphql.Arg<graphql.InputType>>, TType extends OutputType> = graphql.InterfaceField<Args, TType, Context>;
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