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import { GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLEnumTypeExtensions } from "graphql/type/definition";
* An individual enum value in an {@link EnumType enum type} created using
* {@link enumType `graphql.enum`}. You can use the
* {@link enumValues `graphql.enumValues`} shorthand to create enum values more easily.
* Note the value property/generic here represents the deserialized form of the
* enum. It does not indicate the name of the enum value that is visible in the
* GraphQL schema. The value can be anything, not necessarily a string. Usually
* though, it will be a string which is equal to the key where the value is used.
export declare type EnumValue<Value> = {
description?: string;
deprecationReason?: string;
value: Value;
* A GraphQL enum type which wraps an underlying graphql-js
* {@link GraphQLEnumType}. This should be created with {@link enumType `graphql.enum`}.
* ```ts
* const MyEnum = graphql.enum({
* name: "MyEnum",
* values: graphql.enumValues(["a", "b"]),
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* enum MyEnum {
* a
* b
* }
* `;
* ```
export declare type EnumType<Values extends Record<string, EnumValue<unknown>>> = {
kind: "enum";
values: Values;
graphQLType: GraphQLEnumType;
__context: (context: unknown) => void;
* A shorthand to easily create {@link EnumValue enum values} to pass to
* {@link enumType `graphql.enum`}.
* If you need to set a `description` or `deprecationReason` for an enum
* variant, you should pass values directly to `graphql.enum` without using
* `graphql.enumValues`.
* ```ts
* const MyEnum = graphql.enum({
* name: "MyEnum",
* values: graphql.enumValues(["a", "b"]),
* });
* ```
* ```ts
* const values = graphql.enumValues(["a", "b"]);
* assertDeepEqual(values, {
* a: { value: "a" },
* b: { value: "b" },
* });
* ```
export declare function enumValues<Values extends readonly string[]>(values: readonly [...Values]): Record<Values[number], EnumValue<Values[number]>>;
* Creates an {@link EnumType enum type} with a number of {@link EnumValue enum values}.
* ```ts
* const MyEnum = graphql.enum({
* name: "MyEnum",
* values: graphql.enumValues(["a", "b"]),
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* enum MyEnum {
* a
* b
* }
* `;
* ```
* ```ts
* const MyEnum = graphql.enum({
* name: "MyEnum",
* description: "My enum does things",
* values: {
* something: {
* description: "something something",
* value: "something",
* },
* thing: {
* description: "thing thing",
* deprecationReason: "something should be used instead of thing",
* value: "thing",
* },
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* """
* My enum does things
* """
* enum MyEnum {
* """
* something something
* """
* something
* """
* thing thing
* """
* thing @deprecated(reason: "something should be used instead of thing")
* }
* `;)
* ```
declare function enumType<Values extends Record<string, EnumValue<unknown>>>(config: {
name: string;
description?: string;
extensions?: Readonly<GraphQLEnumTypeExtensions>;
values: Values;
}): EnumType<Values>;
export { enumType as enum };
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