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* `@graphql-ts/schema` is a thin wrapper around
* [GraphQL.js](https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js) providing type-safety for
* constructing GraphQL Schemas while avoiding type-generation, [declaration
* merging](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-merging.html)
* and [decorators](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/decorators.html).
* ```ts
* import { graphql } from "@graphql-ts/schema";
* import { GraphQLSchema, graphql as runGraphQL } from "graphql";
* const Query = graphql.object()({
* name: "Query",
* fields: {
* hello: graphql.field({
* type: graphql.String,
* resolve() {
* return "Hello!";
* },
* }),
* },
* });
* const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
* query: Query.graphQLType,
* });
* runGraphQL({
* source: `
* query {
* hello
* }
* `,
* schema,
* }).then((result) => {
* console.log(result);
* });
* ```
* @module
export * as graphql from "./schema-api";
export { bindGraphQLSchemaAPIToContext } from "./output";
export type { Field, FieldFunc, FieldResolver, FieldsFunc, InferValueFromOutputType, InterfaceField, InterfaceFieldFunc, InterfaceToInterfaceFields, InterfaceType, InterfaceTypeFunc, InterfacesToOutputFields, NullableOutputType, ObjectType, ObjectTypeFunc, OutputType, GraphQLSchemaAPIWithContext, UnionType, UnionTypeFunc, } from "./output";
export type { Arg, EnumType, EnumValue, InferValueFromArg, InferValueFromArgs, InferValueFromInputType, InputObjectType, InputType, NullableInputType, ListType, NonNullType, ScalarType, } from "./api-without-context";
export type { Type, NullableType } from "./type";
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