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import {
} from "graphql/type/definition";
import { EnumType } from "./enum";
import { ScalarType } from "./scalars";
import type { NullableOutputType, OutputType } from "../output";
import type { Type } from "../type";
import { ListType, NonNullType } from "..";
export type __toMakeTypeScriptEmitImportsForItemsOnlyUsedInJSDoc = [
* Any input list type. This type only exists because of limitations in circular types.
* If you want to represent any list input type, you should do `ListType<InputType>`.
type InputListType = {
kind: "list";
of: InputType;
graphQLType: GraphQLList<any>;
__context: any;
* Any nullable GraphQL **input** type.
* Note that this is not generic over a `Context` like
* {@link NullableOutputType `NullableOutputType`} is because inputs types never
* interact with the `Context`.
* See also:
* - {@link InputType}
* - {@link Type}
* - {@link OutputType}
export type NullableInputType =
| ScalarType<any>
| InputObjectType<any>
| InputListType
| EnumType<any>;
* Any GraphQL **input** type.
* Note that this is not generic over a `Context` like {@link OutputType} is
* because inputs types never interact with the `Context`.
* See also:
* - {@link NullableInputType}
* - {@link Type}
* - {@link OutputType}
export type InputType = NullableInputType | NonNullType<NullableInputType>;
type InputListTypeForInference<Of extends InputType> = ListType<Of>;
type InferValueFromInputTypeWithoutAddingNull<Type extends InputType> =
Type extends ScalarType<infer Value>
? Value
: Type extends EnumType<infer Values>
? Values[keyof Values]["value"]
: Type extends InputListTypeForInference<infer Value>
? InferValueFromInputType<Value>[]
: Type extends InputObjectType<infer Fields>
? InferValueFromArgs<Fields>
: never;
export type InferValueFromArgs<Args extends Record<string, Arg<InputType>>> = {
readonly [Key in keyof Args]: InferValueFromArg<Args[Key]>;
export type InferValueFromArg<TArg extends Arg<InputType>> =
// the distribution technically only needs to be around the AddUndefined
// but having it here instead of inside the union
// means that TypeScript will print the resulting type
// when you use it rather than keep the alias and
// the resulting type is generally far more readable
TArg extends unknown
| InferValueFromInputType<TArg["type"]>
| AddUndefined<TArg["type"], TArg["__hasDefaultValue"]>
: never;
type AddUndefined<
TInputType extends InputType,
HasDefaultValue extends boolean
> = TInputType extends NonNullType<any>
? never
: HasDefaultValue extends true
? never
: undefined;
type InputNonNullTypeForInference<Of extends NullableInputType> =
export type InferValueFromInputType<Type extends InputType> =
Type extends InputNonNullTypeForInference<infer Value>
? InferValueFromInputTypeWithoutAddingNull<Value>
: InferValueFromInputTypeWithoutAddingNull<Type> | null;
export type InputObjectType<Fields extends { [key: string]: Arg<InputType> }> =
kind: "input";
__fields: Fields;
__context: (context: unknown) => void;
graphQLType: GraphQLInputObjectType;
* A GraphQL argument. These should be created with {@link arg `graphql.arg`}
* Args can can be used as arguments on output fields:
* ```ts
* graphql.field({
* type: graphql.String,
* args: {
* something: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* resolve(source, { something }) {
* return something || somethingElse;
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`fieldName(something: String): String`;
* ```
* Or as fields on input objects:
* ```ts
* graphql.inputObject({
* name: "Something",
* fields: {
* something: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* input Something {
* something: String
* }
* `;
* ```
* When the type of an arg is {@link NonNullType non-null}, the value will always exist.
* ```ts
* graphql.field({
* type: graphql.String,
* args: {
* something: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.nonNull(graphql.String) }),
* },
* resolve(source, { something }) {
* // `something` will always be a string
* return something;
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`fieldName(something: String!): String`;
* ```
export type Arg<
Type extends InputType,
HasDefaultValue extends boolean = boolean
> = {
type: Type;
description?: string;
deprecationReason?: string;
__hasDefaultValue: HasDefaultValue;
defaultValue: unknown;
* Creates a {@link Arg GraphQL argument}.
* Args can can be used as arguments on output fields:
* ```ts
* graphql.field({
* type: graphql.String,
* args: {
* something: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* resolve(source, { something }) {
* return something || somethingElse;
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`(something: String): String`;
* ```
* Or as fields on input objects:
* ```ts
* const Something = graphql.inputObject({
* name: "Something",
* fields: {
* something: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* input Something {
* something: String
* }
* `;
* ```
export function arg<
Type extends InputType,
DefaultValue extends InferValueFromInputType<Type> | undefined = undefined
arg: {
type: Type;
description?: string;
deprecationReason?: string;
} & (DefaultValue extends undefined
? { defaultValue?: DefaultValue }
: { defaultValue: DefaultValue })
): Arg<Type, DefaultValue extends undefined ? false : true> {
if (!arg.type) {
throw new Error("A type must be passed to graphql.arg()");
return arg as any;
* Creates an {@link InputObjectType}
* ```ts
* const Something = graphql.inputObject({
* name: "Something",
* fields: {
* something: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.String }),
* },
* });
* // ==
* graphql`
* input Something {
* something: String
* }
* `;
* ```
* ### Handling circular objects
* Circular input objects require explicitly specifying the fields on the object
* in the type because of TypeScript's limits with circularity.
* ```ts
* type SomethingInputType = graphql.InputObjectType<{
* something: graphql.Arg<SomethingInputType>;
* }>;
* const Something: SomethingInputType = graphql.inputObject({
* name: "Something",
* fields: () => ({
* something: graphql.arg({ type: Something }),
* }),
* });
* ```
* You can specify all of your non-circular fields outside of the fields object
* and then use `typeof` to get the type to avoid writing the non-circular
* fields as types again.
* ```ts
* const nonCircularFields = {
* thing: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.String }),
* };
* type SomethingInputType = graphql.InputObjectType<
* typeof nonCircularFields & {
* something: graphql.Arg<SomethingInputType>;
* }
* >;
* const Something: SomethingInputType = graphql.inputObject({
* name: "Something",
* fields: () => ({
* ...nonCircularFields,
* something: graphql.arg({ type: Something }),
* }),
* });
* ```
export function inputObject<
Fields extends { [key: string]: Arg<InputType> }
>(config: {
name: string;
description?: string;
fields: (() => Fields) | Fields;
}): InputObjectType<Fields> {
const fields = config.fields;
const graphQLType = new GraphQLInputObjectType({
name: config.name,
description: config.description,
fields: () => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(typeof fields === "function" ? fields() : fields).map(
([key, value]) =>
description: value.description,
type: value.type.graphQLType as GraphQLInputType,
defaultValue: value.defaultValue,
deprecationReason: value.deprecationReason,
] as const
return {
kind: "input",
__fields: undefined as any,
__context: undefined as any,