| 'use strict'; |
| var fs = require('fs/promises'); |
| var path = require('path'); |
| var cloudImagePreview = require('./cloud-image-preview-ffbfc21c.node.cjs.js'); |
| var emery = require('emery'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/checkbox'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/typography'); |
| require('react/jsx-runtime'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/text-field'); |
| require('react'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/button'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/field'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/layout'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/style'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/number-field'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/combobox'); |
| require('minimatch'); |
| require('@react-stately/collections'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/picker'); |
| require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); |
| require('@braintree/sanitize-url'); |
| require('@react-aria/i18n'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/dialog'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/slots'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/drag-and-drop'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/icon'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/icon/icons/trash2Icon'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/list-view'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/tooltip'); |
| require('slate'); |
| require('slate-react'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/split-view'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelLeftOpenIcon'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelLeftCloseIcon'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelRightOpenIcon'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelRightCloseIcon'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/menu'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/link'); |
| require('@keystar/ui/progress'); |
| var ignore = require('ignore'); |
| function _interopDefault (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { 'default': e }; } |
| var fs__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(fs); |
| var path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(path); |
| var ignore__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(ignore); |
| function blobSha(contents) { |
| const blobPrefix = textEncoder.encode('blob ' + contents.length + '\0'); |
| const array = new Uint8Array(blobPrefix.byteLength + contents.byteLength); |
| array.set(blobPrefix, 0); |
| array.set(contents, blobPrefix.byteLength); |
| return cloudImagePreview.sha1(array); |
| } |
| function getNodeAtPath(tree, path) { |
| if (path === '') return tree; |
| let node = tree; |
| for (const part of path.split('/')) { |
| if (!node.has(part)) { |
| node.set(part, new Map()); |
| } |
| const innerNode = node.get(part); |
| emery.assert(innerNode instanceof Map, 'expected tree'); |
| node = innerNode; |
| } |
| return node; |
| } |
| function getFilename(path) { |
| return path.replace(/.*\//, ''); |
| } |
| function getDirname(path) { |
| if (!path.includes('/')) return ''; |
| return path.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, ''); |
| } |
| function toTreeChanges(changes) { |
| const changesRoot = new Map(); |
| for (const deletion of changes.deletions) { |
| const parentTree = getNodeAtPath(changesRoot, getDirname(deletion)); |
| parentTree.set(getFilename(deletion), 'delete'); |
| } |
| for (const addition of changes.additions) { |
| const parentTree = getNodeAtPath(changesRoot, getDirname(addition.path)); |
| parentTree.set(getFilename(addition.path), addition.contents); |
| } |
| return changesRoot; |
| } |
| const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); |
| const SPACE_CHAR_CODE = 32; |
| const space = new Uint8Array([SPACE_CHAR_CODE]); |
| const nullchar = new Uint8Array([0]); |
| const tree = textEncoder.encode('tree '); |
| // based on https://github.com/isomorphic-git/isomorphic-git/blob/c09dfa20ffe0ab9e6602e0fa172d72ba8994e443/src/models/GitTree.js#L108-L122 |
| function treeSha(children) { |
| const entries = [...children].map(([name, node]) => ({ |
| name, |
| sha: node.entry.sha, |
| mode: node.entry.mode |
| })); |
| entries.sort((a, b) => { |
| const aName = a.mode === '040000' ? a.name + '/' : a.name; |
| const bName = b.mode === '040000' ? b.name + '/' : b.name; |
| return aName === bName ? 0 : aName < bName ? -1 : 1; |
| }); |
| const treeObject = entries.flatMap(entry => { |
| const mode = textEncoder.encode(entry.mode.replace(/^0/, '')); |
| const name = textEncoder.encode(entry.name); |
| const sha = hexToBytes(entry.sha); |
| return [mode, space, name, nullchar, sha]; |
| }); |
| return cloudImagePreview.sha1(concatBytes([tree, textEncoder.encode(treeObject.reduce((sum, val) => sum + val.byteLength, 0).toString()), nullchar, ...treeObject])); |
| } |
| function concatBytes(byteArrays) { |
| const totalLength = byteArrays.reduce((sum, arr) => sum + arr.byteLength, 0); |
| const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength); |
| let offset = 0; |
| for (const arr of byteArrays) { |
| result.set(arr, offset); |
| offset += arr.byteLength; |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| function hexToBytes(str) { |
| const bytes = new Uint8Array(str.length / 2); |
| for (var i = 0; i < bytes.byteLength; i += 1) { |
| const start = i * 2; |
| bytes[i] = parseInt(str.slice(start, start + 2), 16); |
| } |
| return bytes; |
| } |
| async function createTreeNodeEntry(path, children) { |
| const sha = await treeSha(children); |
| return { |
| path, |
| mode: '040000', |
| type: 'tree', |
| sha |
| }; |
| } |
| async function createBlobNodeEntry(path, contents) { |
| const sha = 'sha' in contents ? contents.sha : await blobSha(contents); |
| return { |
| path, |
| mode: '100644', |
| type: 'blob', |
| sha, |
| size: contents.byteLength |
| }; |
| } |
| async function updateTreeWithChanges(tree, changes) { |
| var _await$updateTree; |
| const newTree = (_await$updateTree = await updateTree(tree, toTreeChanges(changes), [])) !== null && _await$updateTree !== void 0 ? _await$updateTree : new Map(); |
| return { |
| entries: treeToEntries(newTree), |
| sha: await treeSha(newTree !== null && newTree !== void 0 ? newTree : new Map()) |
| }; |
| } |
| function treeToEntries(tree) { |
| return [...tree.values()].flatMap(x => x.children ? [x.entry, ...treeToEntries(x.children)] : [x.entry]); |
| } |
| async function updateTree(tree, changedTree, path) { |
| const newTree = new Map(tree); |
| for (const [key, value] of changedTree) { |
| if (value === 'delete') { |
| newTree.delete(key); |
| } |
| if (value instanceof Map) { |
| var _newTree$get$children, _newTree$get; |
| const existingChildren = (_newTree$get$children = (_newTree$get = newTree.get(key)) === null || _newTree$get === void 0 ? void 0 : _newTree$get.children) !== null && _newTree$get$children !== void 0 ? _newTree$get$children : new Map(); |
| const children = await updateTree(existingChildren, value, path.concat(key)); |
| if (children === undefined) { |
| newTree.delete(key); |
| continue; |
| } |
| const entry = await createTreeNodeEntry(path.concat(key).join('/'), children); |
| newTree.set(key, { |
| entry, |
| children |
| }); |
| } |
| if (typeof value === 'object' && 'sha' in value) { |
| const entry = await createBlobNodeEntry(path.concat(key).join('/'), value); |
| newTree.set(key, { |
| entry |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| if (newTree.size === 0) { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| return newTree; |
| } |
| async function readDirEntries(dir) { |
| let entries; |
| try { |
| entries = await fs__default["default"].readdir(dir, { |
| withFileTypes: true |
| }); |
| } catch (err) { |
| if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { |
| return []; |
| } |
| throw err; |
| } |
| return entries; |
| } |
| async function collectEntriesInDir(baseDir, ancestors) { |
| const currentRelativeDir = ancestors.map(p => p.segment).join('/'); |
| const entries = await readDirEntries(path__default["default"].join(baseDir, currentRelativeDir)); |
| const gitignore = entries.find(entry => entry.isFile() && entry.name === '.gitignore'); |
| const gitignoreFilterForDescendents = gitignore ? ignore__default["default"]().add(await fs__default["default"].readFile(path__default["default"].join(baseDir, currentRelativeDir, gitignore.name), 'utf8')).createFilter() : () => true; |
| const pathSegments = ancestors.map(x => x.segment); |
| return (await Promise.all(entries.filter(entry => { |
| if (!entry.isDirectory() && !entry.isFile() || entry.name === '.git' || entry.name === 'node_modules' || entry.name === '.next') { |
| return false; |
| } |
| const innerPath = `${pathSegments.concat(entry.name).join('/')}${entry.isDirectory() ? '/' : ''}`; |
| if (!gitignoreFilterForDescendents(innerPath)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| let currentPath = entry.name; |
| for (let i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| const ancestor = ancestors[i]; |
| currentPath = `${ancestor.segment}/${currentPath}`; |
| if (!ancestor.gitignoreFilterForDescendents(currentPath)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| return true; |
| }).map(async entry => { |
| if (entry.isDirectory()) { |
| return collectEntriesInDir(baseDir, [...ancestors, { |
| gitignoreFilterForDescendents, |
| segment: entry.name |
| }]); |
| } else { |
| const innerPath = pathSegments.concat(entry.name).join('/'); |
| const contents = await fs__default["default"].readFile(path__default["default"].join(baseDir, innerPath)); |
| return { |
| path: innerPath, |
| contents: { |
| byteLength: contents.byteLength, |
| sha: await blobSha(contents) |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| }))).flat(); |
| } |
| async function readToDirEntries(baseDir) { |
| const additions = await collectEntriesInDir(baseDir, []); |
| const { |
| entries |
| } = await updateTreeWithChanges(new Map(), { |
| additions: additions, |
| deletions: [] |
| }); |
| return entries; |
| } |
| function getAllowedDirectories(config) { |
| const allowedDirectories = []; |
| for (const [collection, collectionConfig] of Object.entries((_config$collections = config.collections) !== null && _config$collections !== void 0 ? _config$collections : {})) { |
| var _config$collections; |
| allowedDirectories.push(...cloudImagePreview.getDirectoriesForTreeKey(cloudImagePreview.object(collectionConfig.schema), cloudImagePreview.getCollectionPath(config, collection), undefined, { |
| data: 'yaml', |
| contentField: undefined, |
| dataLocation: 'index' |
| })); |
| } |
| for (const [singleton, singletonConfig] of Object.entries((_config$singletons = config.singletons) !== null && _config$singletons !== void 0 ? _config$singletons : {})) { |
| var _config$singletons; |
| allowedDirectories.push(...cloudImagePreview.getDirectoriesForTreeKey(cloudImagePreview.object(singletonConfig.schema), cloudImagePreview.getSingletonPath(config, singleton), undefined, cloudImagePreview.getSingletonFormat(config, singleton))); |
| } |
| return [...new Set(allowedDirectories)]; |
| } |
| exports.blobSha = blobSha; |
| exports.getAllowedDirectories = getAllowedDirectories; |
| exports.readToDirEntries = readToDirEntries; |