| import { z as useFieldSpan, s as strings, A as useArrayFieldValidationMessage, B as ArrayFieldListView, D as FormValueContentFromPreviewProps, o as getInitialPropsValue, h as createGetPreviewProps, m as clientSideValidateProp, E as valueToUpdater, G as isValidURL, H as useIsInDocumentEditor, I as useObjectURL, J as getUploadedFile, K as getSrcPrefix, L as ImageFieldInput, v as pluralize, M as document, N as mdx, O as markdoc } from './index-9799c761.js'; |
| export { V as BlockWrapper, W as ToolbarSeparator, R as collection, Q as config, U as singleton } from './index-9799c761.js'; |
| export { c as component } from './api-2187d4d8.js'; |
| import { a$ as basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse, ar as FieldDataError, am as useImageLibraryURL, W as useEventCallback, z as useConfig, b2 as emptyImageData, b3 as ImageDimensionsInput, b4 as parseImageData, b5 as loadImageData, b6 as UploadImageButton, o as object, b0 as text, b7 as assertRequired, a_ as fixPath, a as useTree, b8 as SlugFieldContext, b9 as PathContext, ba as validateText } from './index-269488d0.js'; |
| export { aK as NotEditable } from './index-269488d0.js'; |
| import { c } from './react-compiler-runtime-0011f46e.js'; |
| import { Picker, Item } from '@keystar/ui/picker'; |
| import { jsx, jsxs, Fragment } from 'react/jsx-runtime'; |
| import { ActionButton, ButtonGroup, Button, ClearButton } from '@keystar/ui/button'; |
| import { Dialog, DialogContainer, useDialogContainer } from '@keystar/ui/dialog'; |
| import { FieldLabel, FieldDescription, FieldMessage } from '@keystar/ui/field'; |
| import { VStack, Flex, Box } from '@keystar/ui/layout'; |
| import { MenuTrigger, Menu, Item as Item$1 } from '@keystar/ui/menu'; |
| import { Content } from '@keystar/ui/slots'; |
| import { Heading, Text } from '@keystar/ui/typography'; |
| import { useLocalizedStringFormatter } from '@react-aria/i18n'; |
| import { useField } from '@react-aria/label'; |
| import { useState, useId, useMemo, useEffect, useReducer, useContext } from 'react'; |
| import { Checkbox } from '@keystar/ui/checkbox'; |
| import { NumberField } from '@keystar/ui/number-field'; |
| import { TextField, TextArea } from '@keystar/ui/text-field'; |
| import { Icon } from '@keystar/ui/icon'; |
| import { imageIcon } from '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/imageIcon'; |
| import { TextLink } from '@keystar/ui/link'; |
| import { ProgressCircle } from '@keystar/ui/progress'; |
| import { tokenSchema, css, containerQueries } from '@keystar/ui/style'; |
| import '@braintree/sanitize-url'; |
| import { Item as Item$2 } from '@react-stately/collections'; |
| import { ActionBarContainer, ActionBar } from '@keystar/ui/action-bar'; |
| import { Combobox, Item as Item$3 } from '@keystar/ui/combobox'; |
| import { useDragAndDrop, move } from '@keystar/ui/drag-and-drop'; |
| import { trash2Icon } from '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/trash2Icon'; |
| import { ListView } from '@keystar/ui/list-view'; |
| import { isString } from 'emery'; |
| import { filter } from 'minimatch'; |
| import { refreshCwIcon } from '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/refreshCwIcon'; |
| import slugify from '@sindresorhus/slugify'; |
| import { i as integer } from './index-d82d90ab.js'; |
| import { u as useSlugsInCollection } from './useSlugsInCollection-56c61c3b.js'; |
| import '@markdoc/markdoc/dist/index.mjs'; |
| import 'prosemirror-commands'; |
| import 'prosemirror-state'; |
| import 'prosemirror-transform'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/editor'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/boldIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/chevronDownIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/codeIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/italicIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/listIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/listOrderedIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/minusIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/plusIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/quoteIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/removeFormattingIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/strikethroughIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/tableIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/tooltip'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/fileCodeIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/heading1Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/heading2Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/heading3Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/heading4Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/heading5Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/heading6Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/separatorHorizontalIcon'; |
| import 'prosemirror-model'; |
| import 'slate'; |
| import 'slate-react'; |
| import 'is-hotkey'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/split-view'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelLeftOpenIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelLeftCloseIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelRightOpenIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelRightCloseIcon'; |
| import '@react-aria/overlays'; |
| import '@react-aria/utils'; |
| import '@react-stately/overlays'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/badge'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/nav-list'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/overlays'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/status-light'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/utils'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/core'; |
| import '@ts-gql/tag/no-transform'; |
| import 'urql'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/avatar'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/logOutIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/gitPullRequestIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/gitBranchPlusIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/githubIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/gitForkIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/monitorIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/moonIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/sunIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/userIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/gitBranchIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/radio'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/editIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/externalLinkIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/linkIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/unlinkIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/action-group'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/maximizeIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/minimizeIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/subscriptIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/superscriptIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/typeIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/underlineIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/alignLeftIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/alignRightIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/alignCenterIcon'; |
| import 'match-sorter'; |
| import 'emery/assertions'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/trashIcon'; |
| import '@emotion/weak-memoize'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/columnsIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/fileUpIcon'; |
| import 'y-prosemirror'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/sheetIcon'; |
| import 'scroll-into-view-if-needed'; |
| import '@react-stately/list'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/listbox'; |
| import 'slate-history'; |
| import 'mdast-util-from-markdown'; |
| import 'mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal'; |
| import 'micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal'; |
| import 'mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough'; |
| import 'micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough'; |
| import './base64-3538d789.js'; |
| import 'prosemirror-view'; |
| import '@react-aria/selection'; |
| import 'prosemirror-tables'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/pencilIcon'; |
| import 'react-dom'; |
| import 'prosemirror-history'; |
| import 'prosemirror-keymap'; |
| import 'escape-string-regexp'; |
| import 'mdast-util-to-markdown'; |
| import 'mdast-util-gfm-table'; |
| import 'mdast-util-mdx'; |
| import 'micromark-extension-gfm-table'; |
| import 'micromark-extension-mdxjs'; |
| import 'unist-util-visit'; |
| import 'superstruct'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/link2Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/link2OffIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/undo2Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/toast'; |
| import 'y-protocols/awareness'; |
| import 'yjs'; |
| import '@toeverything/y-indexeddb'; |
| import 'lib0/broadcastchannel'; |
| import 'lib0/time'; |
| import 'lib0/encoding'; |
| import 'lib0/decoding'; |
| import 'y-protocols/sync'; |
| import 'y-protocols/auth'; |
| import 'lib0/mutex'; |
| import 'lib0/math'; |
| import 'cookie'; |
| import 'idb-keyval'; |
| import 'lru-cache'; |
| import 'partysocket/ws'; |
| import 'lib0/encoding.js'; |
| function array(element, opts) { |
| var _opts$label; |
| return { |
| kind: 'array', |
| element, |
| label: (_opts$label = opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.label) !== null && _opts$label !== void 0 ? _opts$label : 'Items', |
| description: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.description, |
| itemLabel: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.itemLabel, |
| asChildTag: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.asChildTag, |
| slugField: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.slugField, |
| validation: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.validation |
| }; |
| } |
| function SelectFieldInput(props) { |
| const $ = c(13); |
| const fieldSpan = useFieldSpan(); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] !== props) { |
| t0 = key => { |
| props.onChange(key); |
| }; |
| $[0] = props; |
| $[1] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[1]; |
| } |
| const t1 = fieldSpan === 12 ? "alias.singleLineWidth" : "auto"; |
| let t2; |
| if ($[2] !== t1) { |
| t2 = { |
| mobile: "auto", |
| tablet: t1 |
| }; |
| $[2] = t1; |
| $[3] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[3]; |
| } |
| let t3; |
| if ($[4] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t3 = item => /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Item, { |
| children: item.label |
| }, item.value); |
| $[4] = t3; |
| } else { |
| t3 = $[4]; |
| } |
| let t4; |
| if ($[5] !== props.label || $[6] !== props.description || $[7] !== props.options || $[8] !== props.value || $[9] !== props.autoFocus || $[10] !== t0 || $[11] !== t2) { |
| t4 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Picker, { |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| items: props.options, |
| selectedKey: props.value, |
| onSelectionChange: t0, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| width: t2, |
| children: t3 |
| }); |
| $[5] = props.label; |
| $[6] = props.description; |
| $[7] = props.options; |
| $[8] = props.value; |
| $[9] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[10] = t0; |
| $[11] = t2; |
| $[12] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[12]; |
| } |
| return t4; |
| } |
| function select({ |
| label, |
| options, |
| defaultValue, |
| description |
| }) { |
| const optionValuesSet = new Set(options.map(x => x.value)); |
| if (!optionValuesSet.has(defaultValue)) { |
| throw new Error(`A defaultValue of ${defaultValue} was provided to a select field but it does not match the value of one of the options provided`); |
| } |
| const field = basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(SelectFieldInput, { |
| label: label, |
| options: options, |
| description: description, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return defaultValue; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return defaultValue; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| if (!optionValuesSet.has(value)) { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a valid option'); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| return { |
| ...field, |
| options |
| }; |
| } |
| function BlocksFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$schema$validat, _props$schema$validat2; |
| const $ = c(77); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t0 = { |
| kind: "closed" |
| }; |
| $[0] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[0]; |
| } |
| const [modalState, setModalState] = useState(t0); |
| let t1; |
| if ($[1] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t1 = () => { |
| setModalState({ |
| kind: "closed" |
| }); |
| }; |
| $[1] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[1]; |
| } |
| const dismiss = t1; |
| const minLength = (_props$schema$validat = (_props$schema$validat2 = props.schema.validation) === null || _props$schema$validat2 === void 0 || (_props$schema$validat2 = _props$schema$validat2.length) === null || _props$schema$validat2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$schema$validat2.min) !== null && _props$schema$validat !== void 0 ? _props$schema$validat : 0; |
| const formId = useId(); |
| const stringFormatter = useLocalizedStringFormatter(strings); |
| const errorMessage = useArrayFieldValidationMessage(props); |
| const t2 = !!errorMessage; |
| let t3; |
| if ($[2] !== props.schema.description || $[3] !== props.schema.label || $[4] !== errorMessage || $[5] !== t2) { |
| t3 = { |
| description: props.schema.description, |
| errorMessage, |
| isInvalid: t2, |
| label: props.schema.label, |
| labelElementType: "span" |
| }; |
| $[2] = props.schema.description; |
| $[3] = props.schema.label; |
| $[4] = errorMessage; |
| $[5] = t2; |
| $[6] = t3; |
| } else { |
| t3 = $[6]; |
| } |
| const { |
| descriptionProps, |
| errorMessageProps, |
| fieldProps: groupProps, |
| labelProps |
| } = useField(t3); |
| const t4 = minLength > 0; |
| let t5; |
| if ($[7] !== t4 || $[8] !== labelProps || $[9] !== props.schema.label) { |
| t5 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FieldLabel, { |
| elementType: "span", |
| isRequired: t4, |
| supplementRequiredState: true, |
| ...labelProps, |
| children: props.schema.label |
| }); |
| $[7] = t4; |
| $[8] = labelProps; |
| $[9] = props.schema.label; |
| $[10] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[10]; |
| } |
| let t6; |
| if ($[11] !== props.schema.description || $[12] !== descriptionProps) { |
| t6 = props.schema.description && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FieldDescription, { |
| ...descriptionProps, |
| children: props.schema.description |
| }); |
| $[11] = props.schema.description; |
| $[12] = descriptionProps; |
| $[13] = t6; |
| } else { |
| t6 = $[13]; |
| } |
| let t7; |
| if ($[14] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t7 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ActionButton, { |
| alignSelf: "start", |
| children: "Add" |
| }); |
| $[14] = t7; |
| } else { |
| t7 = $[14]; |
| } |
| let t8; |
| if ($[15] !== props.schema.element.discriminant.options) { |
| t8 = discriminant => { |
| var _props$schema$element; |
| const val = (_props$schema$element = props.schema.element.discriminant.options.find(x => x.value.toString() === discriminant.toString())) === null || _props$schema$element === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$schema$element.value; |
| if (val === undefined) { |
| return; |
| } |
| setModalState({ |
| kind: "new", |
| discriminant: val |
| }); |
| }; |
| $[15] = props.schema.element.discriminant.options; |
| $[16] = t8; |
| } else { |
| t8 = $[16]; |
| } |
| let t9; |
| if ($[17] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t9 = item => /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Item$1, { |
| children: item.label |
| }, item.value.toString()); |
| $[17] = t9; |
| } else { |
| t9 = $[17]; |
| } |
| let t10; |
| if ($[18] !== props.schema.element.discriminant.options || $[19] !== t8) { |
| t10 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(MenuTrigger, { |
| children: [t7, /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Menu, { |
| items: props.schema.element.discriminant.options, |
| onAction: t8, |
| children: t9 |
| })] |
| }); |
| $[18] = props.schema.element.discriminant.options; |
| $[19] = t8; |
| $[20] = t10; |
| } else { |
| t10 = $[20]; |
| } |
| let t11; |
| if ($[21] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t11 = idx => { |
| setModalState({ |
| kind: "edit", |
| idx |
| }); |
| }; |
| $[21] = t11; |
| } else { |
| t11 = $[21]; |
| } |
| let t12; |
| if ($[22] !== props) { |
| t12 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ArrayFieldListView, { |
| ...props, |
| "aria-label": props.schema.label, |
| onOpenItem: t11 |
| }); |
| $[22] = props; |
| $[23] = t12; |
| } else { |
| t12 = $[23]; |
| } |
| let t13; |
| if ($[24] !== errorMessage || $[25] !== errorMessageProps) { |
| t13 = errorMessage && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FieldMessage, { |
| ...errorMessageProps, |
| children: errorMessage |
| }); |
| $[24] = errorMessage; |
| $[25] = errorMessageProps; |
| $[26] = t13; |
| } else { |
| t13 = $[26]; |
| } |
| let t14; |
| bb0: { |
| if (modalState.kind === "closed") { |
| t14 = null; |
| break bb0; |
| } |
| if (modalState.kind === "edit") { |
| const idx_0 = modalState.idx; |
| const previewProps = props.elements[idx_0].value; |
| const { |
| discriminant: discriminant_0 |
| } = props.elements[idx_0]; |
| let t15; |
| if ($[27] !== discriminant_0 || $[28] !== props.schema.element.discriminant.options) { |
| var _props$schema$element2; |
| t15 = (_props$schema$element2 = props.schema.element.discriminant.options.find(x_0 => x_0.value === discriminant_0)) === null || _props$schema$element2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$schema$element2.label; |
| $[27] = discriminant_0; |
| $[28] = props.schema.element.discriminant.options; |
| $[29] = t15; |
| } else { |
| t15 = $[29]; |
| } |
| let t16; |
| if ($[30] !== t15) { |
| t16 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Heading, { |
| children: ["Edit", " ", t15] |
| }); |
| $[30] = t15; |
| $[31] = t16; |
| } else { |
| t16 = $[31]; |
| } |
| let t17; |
| if ($[32] !== formId || $[33] !== previewProps || $[34] !== idx_0) { |
| t17 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(BlocksEditItemModalContent, { |
| formId: formId, |
| onClose: dismiss, |
| previewProps: previewProps, |
| modalStateIndex: idx_0 |
| }); |
| $[32] = formId; |
| $[33] = previewProps; |
| $[34] = idx_0; |
| $[35] = t17; |
| } else { |
| t17 = $[35]; |
| } |
| let t18; |
| if ($[36] !== formId) { |
| t18 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ButtonGroup, { |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Button, { |
| form: formId, |
| prominence: "high", |
| type: "submit", |
| children: "Done" |
| }) |
| }); |
| $[36] = formId; |
| $[37] = t18; |
| } else { |
| t18 = $[37]; |
| } |
| let t19; |
| if ($[38] !== t16 || $[39] !== t17 || $[40] !== t18) { |
| t19 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Dialog, { |
| children: [t16, t17, t18] |
| }); |
| $[38] = t16; |
| $[39] = t17; |
| $[40] = t18; |
| $[41] = t19; |
| } else { |
| t19 = $[41]; |
| } |
| t14 = t19; |
| break bb0; |
| } |
| const discriminant_1 = modalState.discriminant; |
| let t15; |
| if ($[42] !== discriminant_1 || $[43] !== props.schema.element.discriminant.options) { |
| var _props$schema$element3; |
| t15 = (_props$schema$element3 = props.schema.element.discriminant.options.find(x_1 => x_1.value === discriminant_1)) === null || _props$schema$element3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$schema$element3.label; |
| $[42] = discriminant_1; |
| $[43] = props.schema.element.discriminant.options; |
| $[44] = t15; |
| } else { |
| t15 = $[44]; |
| } |
| let t16; |
| if ($[45] !== t15) { |
| t16 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Heading, { |
| children: ["Add", " ", t15] |
| }); |
| $[45] = t15; |
| $[46] = t16; |
| } else { |
| t16 = $[46]; |
| } |
| let t17; |
| if ($[47] !== discriminant_1 || $[48] !== formId || $[49] !== props) { |
| t17 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Content, { |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsx(BlocksAddItemModalContent, { |
| discriminant: discriminant_1, |
| formId: formId, |
| previewProps: props |
| }) |
| }); |
| $[47] = discriminant_1; |
| $[48] = formId; |
| $[49] = props; |
| $[50] = t17; |
| } else { |
| t17 = $[50]; |
| } |
| let t18; |
| if ($[51] !== stringFormatter) { |
| t18 = stringFormatter.format("cancel"); |
| $[51] = stringFormatter; |
| $[52] = t18; |
| } else { |
| t18 = $[52]; |
| } |
| let t19; |
| if ($[53] !== t18) { |
| t19 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Button, { |
| onPress: dismiss, |
| children: t18 |
| }); |
| $[53] = t18; |
| $[54] = t19; |
| } else { |
| t19 = $[54]; |
| } |
| let t20; |
| if ($[55] !== stringFormatter) { |
| t20 = stringFormatter.format("add"); |
| $[55] = stringFormatter; |
| $[56] = t20; |
| } else { |
| t20 = $[56]; |
| } |
| let t21; |
| if ($[57] !== formId || $[58] !== t20) { |
| t21 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Button, { |
| form: formId, |
| prominence: "high", |
| type: "submit", |
| children: t20 |
| }); |
| $[57] = formId; |
| $[58] = t20; |
| $[59] = t21; |
| } else { |
| t21 = $[59]; |
| } |
| let t22; |
| if ($[60] !== t19 || $[61] !== t21) { |
| t22 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(ButtonGroup, { |
| children: [t19, t21] |
| }); |
| $[60] = t19; |
| $[61] = t21; |
| $[62] = t22; |
| } else { |
| t22 = $[62]; |
| } |
| let t23; |
| if ($[63] !== t16 || $[64] !== t17 || $[65] !== t22) { |
| t23 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Dialog, { |
| children: [t16, t17, t22] |
| }); |
| $[63] = t16; |
| $[64] = t17; |
| $[65] = t22; |
| $[66] = t23; |
| } else { |
| t23 = $[66]; |
| } |
| t14 = t23; |
| } |
| let t15; |
| if ($[67] !== t14) { |
| t15 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(DialogContainer, { |
| onDismiss: dismiss, |
| children: t14 |
| }); |
| $[67] = t14; |
| $[68] = t15; |
| } else { |
| t15 = $[68]; |
| } |
| let t16; |
| if ($[69] !== groupProps || $[70] !== t5 || $[71] !== t6 || $[72] !== t10 || $[73] !== t12 || $[74] !== t13 || $[75] !== t15) { |
| t16 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(VStack, { |
| gap: "medium", |
| role: "group", |
| minWidth: 0, |
| ...groupProps, |
| children: [t5, t6, t10, t12, t13, t15] |
| }); |
| $[69] = groupProps; |
| $[70] = t5; |
| $[71] = t6; |
| $[72] = t10; |
| $[73] = t12; |
| $[74] = t13; |
| $[75] = t15; |
| $[76] = t16; |
| } else { |
| t16 = $[76]; |
| } |
| return t16; |
| } |
| function BlocksEditItemModalContent(props) { |
| const $ = c(8); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] !== props) { |
| t0 = event => { |
| if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) { |
| return; |
| } |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| props.onClose(); |
| }; |
| $[0] = props; |
| $[1] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[1]; |
| } |
| let t1; |
| if ($[2] !== props.previewProps) { |
| t1 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FormValueContentFromPreviewProps, { |
| autoFocus: true, |
| ...props.previewProps |
| }); |
| $[2] = props.previewProps; |
| $[3] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[3]; |
| } |
| let t2; |
| if ($[4] !== props.formId || $[5] !== t0 || $[6] !== t1) { |
| t2 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Content, { |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsx(VStack, { |
| id: props.formId, |
| elementType: "form", |
| onSubmit: t0, |
| gap: "xxlarge", |
| children: t1 |
| }) |
| }); |
| $[4] = props.formId; |
| $[5] = t0; |
| $[6] = t1; |
| $[7] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[7]; |
| } |
| return t2; |
| } |
| function BlocksAddItemModalContent(props) { |
| const schema = props.previewProps.schema.element.values[props.discriminant.toString()]; |
| const [value, setValue] = useState(() => getInitialPropsValue(schema)); |
| const [forceValidation, setForceValidation] = useState(false); |
| const previewProps = useMemo(() => createGetPreviewProps(schema, setValue, () => undefined), [schema, setValue])(value); |
| const { |
| dismiss |
| } = useDialogContainer(); |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(VStack, { |
| id: props.formId, |
| elementType: "form", |
| onSubmit: event => { |
| if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) return; |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| if (!clientSideValidateProp(schema, value, undefined)) { |
| setForceValidation(true); |
| return; |
| } |
| props.previewProps.onChange([...props.previewProps.elements.map(x => ({ |
| key: x.key |
| })), { |
| key: undefined, |
| value: valueToUpdater({ |
| value, |
| discriminant: props.discriminant |
| }, props.previewProps.schema.element) |
| }]); |
| dismiss(); |
| }, |
| gap: "xxlarge", |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FormValueContentFromPreviewProps, { |
| forceValidation: forceValidation, |
| autoFocus: true, |
| ...previewProps |
| }) |
| }); |
| } |
| function blocks(blocks, opts) { |
| const entries = Object.entries(blocks); |
| if (!entries.length) { |
| throw new Error('fields.blocks must have at least one entry'); |
| } |
| const select$1 = select({ |
| label: 'Kind', |
| defaultValue: entries[0][0], |
| options: Object.entries(blocks).map(([key, { |
| label |
| }]) => ({ |
| label, |
| value: key |
| })) |
| }); |
| const element = conditional(select$1, Object.fromEntries(entries.map(([key, { |
| schema |
| }]) => [key, schema]))); |
| return { |
| ...array(element, { |
| label: opts.label, |
| description: opts.description, |
| validation: opts.validation, |
| itemLabel(props) { |
| const kind = props.discriminant; |
| const block = blocks[kind]; |
| if (!block.itemLabel) return block.label; |
| return block.itemLabel(props.value); |
| } |
| }), |
| Input: BlocksFieldInput |
| }; |
| } |
| function CheckboxFieldInput(props) { |
| const $ = c(10); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] !== props.label) { |
| t0 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| children: props.label |
| }); |
| $[0] = props.label; |
| $[1] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[1]; |
| } |
| let t1; |
| if ($[2] !== props.description) { |
| t1 = props.description && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| slot: "description", |
| children: props.description |
| }); |
| $[2] = props.description; |
| $[3] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[3]; |
| } |
| let t2; |
| if ($[4] !== props.value || $[5] !== props.onChange || $[6] !== props.autoFocus || $[7] !== t0 || $[8] !== t1) { |
| t2 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Checkbox, { |
| isSelected: props.value, |
| onChange: props.onChange, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| children: [t0, t1] |
| }); |
| $[4] = props.value; |
| $[5] = props.onChange; |
| $[6] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[7] = t0; |
| $[8] = t1; |
| $[9] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[9]; |
| } |
| return t2; |
| } |
| function checkbox({ |
| label, |
| defaultValue = false, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(CheckboxFieldInput, { |
| ...props, |
| label: label, |
| description: description |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return defaultValue; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) return defaultValue; |
| if (typeof value !== 'boolean') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a boolean'); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function child(options) { |
| return { |
| kind: 'child', |
| options: options.kind === 'block' ? { |
| ...options, |
| dividers: options.dividers, |
| formatting: options.formatting === 'inherit' ? { |
| blockTypes: 'inherit', |
| headingLevels: 'inherit', |
| inlineMarks: 'inherit', |
| listTypes: 'inherit', |
| alignment: 'inherit', |
| softBreaks: 'inherit' |
| } : options.formatting, |
| links: options.links, |
| images: options.images, |
| tables: options.tables, |
| componentBlocks: options.componentBlocks |
| } : { |
| kind: 'inline', |
| placeholder: options.placeholder, |
| formatting: options.formatting === 'inherit' ? { |
| inlineMarks: 'inherit', |
| softBreaks: 'inherit' |
| } : options.formatting, |
| links: options.links |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function ImageField(props) { |
| const $ = c(41); |
| const { |
| image, |
| onChange |
| } = props; |
| const [status, setStatus] = useState(image.src ? "good" : ""); |
| const imageLibraryURL = useImageLibraryURL(); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] !== props) { |
| t0 = event => { |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| const text = event.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); |
| const parsed = parseImageData(text); |
| props.onChange(parsed); |
| }; |
| $[0] = props; |
| $[1] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[1]; |
| } |
| const onPaste = t0; |
| let t1; |
| if ($[2] !== onChange) { |
| t1 = data => { |
| onChange(data); |
| setStatus("good"); |
| }; |
| $[2] = onChange; |
| $[3] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[3]; |
| } |
| const onLoad = useEventCallback(t1); |
| const config = useConfig(); |
| const hasSetFields = !!(props.image.alt || props.image.width || props.image.height); |
| let t2; |
| let t3; |
| if ($[4] !== props.image.src || $[5] !== hasSetFields || $[6] !== config || $[7] !== onLoad) { |
| t2 = () => { |
| if (!props.image.src) { |
| setStatus(""); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!isValidURL(props.image.src)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (hasSetFields) { |
| setStatus("good"); |
| return; |
| } |
| setStatus("loading"); |
| loadImageData(props.image.src, config).then(newData => { |
| onLoad(newData); |
| }).catch(() => { |
| setStatus("error"); |
| }); |
| }; |
| t3 = [config, hasSetFields, onLoad, props.image.src]; |
| $[4] = props.image.src; |
| $[5] = hasSetFields; |
| $[6] = config; |
| $[7] = onLoad; |
| $[8] = t2; |
| $[9] = t3; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[8]; |
| t3 = $[9]; |
| } |
| useEffect(t2, t3); |
| const [blurred, setBlurred] = useState(false); |
| const errorMessage = (blurred || props.forceValidation) && props.isRequired && !image.src ? "Image URL is required." : undefined; |
| let t4; |
| if ($[10] !== props) { |
| t4 = e => { |
| if (e.code === "Backspace" || e.code === "Delete") { |
| props.onChange(emptyImageData); |
| } |
| }; |
| $[10] = props; |
| $[11] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[11]; |
| } |
| let t5; |
| if ($[12] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t5 = () => setBlurred(true); |
| $[12] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[12]; |
| } |
| let t6; |
| if ($[13] !== imageLibraryURL) { |
| t6 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Text, { |
| children: ["Upload an image, or copy a URL from the", " ", /*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextLink, { |
| prominence: "high", |
| href: imageLibraryURL, |
| target: "_blank", |
| rel: "noreferrer", |
| children: "Image\xA0Library" |
| }), " ", "and paste it into this field."] |
| }); |
| $[13] = imageLibraryURL; |
| $[14] = t6; |
| } else { |
| t6 = $[14]; |
| } |
| let t7; |
| if ($[15] !== status || $[16] !== image || $[17] !== props) { |
| t7 = status === "loading" ? /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Flex, { |
| height: "element.regular", |
| width: "element.regular", |
| alignItems: "center", |
| justifyContent: "center", |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ProgressCircle, { |
| size: "small", |
| "aria-label": "Checking\u2026", |
| isIndeterminate: true |
| }) |
| }) : image.src ? /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ClearButton, { |
| onPress: () => { |
| props.onChange(emptyImageData); |
| setStatus(""); |
| }, |
| preventFocus: true |
| }) : null; |
| $[15] = status; |
| $[16] = image; |
| $[17] = props; |
| $[18] = t7; |
| } else { |
| t7 = $[18]; |
| } |
| let t8; |
| if ($[19] !== props.isRequired || $[20] !== props.autoFocus || $[21] !== errorMessage || $[22] !== onPaste || $[23] !== t4 || $[24] !== image.src || $[25] !== t6 || $[26] !== t7) { |
| t8 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextField, { |
| label: "Image URL", |
| isRequired: props.isRequired, |
| errorMessage: errorMessage, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| onPaste: onPaste, |
| onKeyDown: t4, |
| onBlur: t5, |
| value: image.src, |
| description: t6, |
| endElement: t7 |
| }); |
| $[19] = props.isRequired; |
| $[20] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[21] = errorMessage; |
| $[22] = onPaste; |
| $[23] = t4; |
| $[24] = image.src; |
| $[25] = t6; |
| $[26] = t7; |
| $[27] = t8; |
| } else { |
| t8 = $[27]; |
| } |
| let t9; |
| if ($[28] !== onChange) { |
| t9 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(UploadImageButton, { |
| alignSelf: "start", |
| onUploaded: data_0 => { |
| onChange(data_0); |
| } |
| }); |
| $[28] = onChange; |
| $[29] = t9; |
| } else { |
| t9 = $[29]; |
| } |
| let t10; |
| if ($[30] !== t8 || $[31] !== t9) { |
| t10 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(VStack, { |
| gap: "medium", |
| children: [t8, t9] |
| }); |
| $[30] = t8; |
| $[31] = t9; |
| $[32] = t10; |
| } else { |
| t10 = $[32]; |
| } |
| let t11; |
| if ($[33] !== status || $[34] !== image || $[35] !== props || $[36] !== onChange) { |
| t11 = status === "good" ? /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Fragment, { |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(Box, { |
| alignSelf: "start", |
| backgroundColor: "canvas", |
| borderRadius: "regular", |
| border: "neutral", |
| padding: "regular", |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsx("img", { |
| alt: image.alt, |
| src: image.src, |
| style: { |
| display: "block", |
| maxHeight: tokenSchema.size.alias.singleLineWidth, |
| maxWidth: "100%" |
| } |
| }) |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextArea, { |
| label: "Alt text", |
| value: image.alt, |
| onChange: alt => props.onChange({ |
| ...image, |
| alt |
| }) |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ImageDimensionsInput, { |
| src: image.src, |
| image: image, |
| onChange: dimensions => { |
| onChange({ |
| ...props.image, |
| ...dimensions |
| }); |
| } |
| })] |
| }) : /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(VStack, { |
| "aria-hidden": true, |
| alignItems: "center", |
| backgroundColor: "surface", |
| borderRadius: "regular", |
| gap: "medium", |
| paddingX: "large", |
| paddingY: "xlarge", |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(Icon, { |
| src: imageIcon, |
| color: "neutralSecondary", |
| size: "medium" |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| align: "center", |
| color: "neutralSecondary", |
| size: "small", |
| children: "Awaiting URL to display image preview and information\u2026" |
| })] |
| }); |
| $[33] = status; |
| $[34] = image; |
| $[35] = props; |
| $[36] = onChange; |
| $[37] = t11; |
| } else { |
| t11 = $[37]; |
| } |
| let t12; |
| if ($[38] !== t10 || $[39] !== t11) { |
| t12 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(VStack, { |
| gap: "xlarge", |
| padding: "large", |
| children: [t10, t11] |
| }); |
| $[38] = t10; |
| $[39] = t11; |
| $[40] = t12; |
| } else { |
| t12 = $[40]; |
| } |
| return t12; |
| } |
| function CloudImageFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$fields$width$v, _props$fields$height$; |
| const $ = c(27); |
| const labelId = useId(); |
| const descriptionId = useId(); |
| const t0 = props.schema.description ? descriptionId : undefined; |
| let t1; |
| if ($[0] !== labelId || $[1] !== props.schema.label) { |
| t1 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| color: "neutralEmphasis", |
| size: "medium", |
| weight: "medium", |
| id: labelId, |
| children: props.schema.label |
| }); |
| $[0] = labelId; |
| $[1] = props.schema.label; |
| $[2] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[2]; |
| } |
| let t2; |
| if ($[3] !== props.schema.description || $[4] !== descriptionId) { |
| t2 = !!props.schema.description && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| id: descriptionId, |
| size: "regular", |
| color: "neutralSecondary", |
| children: props.schema.description |
| }); |
| $[3] = props.schema.description; |
| $[4] = descriptionId; |
| $[5] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[5]; |
| } |
| let t3; |
| if ($[6] !== t1 || $[7] !== t2) { |
| t3 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(VStack, { |
| backgroundColor: "surface", |
| borderBottom: "muted", |
| borderTopStartRadius: "medium", |
| borderTopEndRadius: "medium", |
| gap: "medium", |
| minWidth: 0, |
| padding: "large", |
| children: [t1, t2] |
| }); |
| $[6] = t1; |
| $[7] = t2; |
| $[8] = t3; |
| } else { |
| t3 = $[8]; |
| } |
| const t4 = (_props$fields$width$v = props.fields.width.value) !== null && _props$fields$width$v !== void 0 ? _props$fields$width$v : undefined; |
| const t5 = (_props$fields$height$ = props.fields.height.value) !== null && _props$fields$height$ !== void 0 ? _props$fields$height$ : undefined; |
| let t6; |
| if ($[9] !== props.fields.src.value || $[10] !== props.fields.alt.value || $[11] !== t4 || $[12] !== t5) { |
| t6 = { |
| src: props.fields.src.value, |
| alt: props.fields.alt.value, |
| width: t4, |
| height: t5 |
| }; |
| $[9] = props.fields.src.value; |
| $[10] = props.fields.alt.value; |
| $[11] = t4; |
| $[12] = t5; |
| $[13] = t6; |
| } else { |
| t6 = $[13]; |
| } |
| let t7; |
| if ($[14] !== props) { |
| t7 = data => { |
| var _data$width, _data$height; |
| props.onChange({ |
| src: data.src, |
| alt: data.alt, |
| width: (_data$width = data.width) !== null && _data$width !== void 0 ? _data$width : null, |
| height: (_data$height = data.height) !== null && _data$height !== void 0 ? _data$height : null |
| }); |
| }; |
| $[14] = props; |
| $[15] = t7; |
| } else { |
| t7 = $[15]; |
| } |
| let t8; |
| if ($[16] !== t6 || $[17] !== t7 || $[18] !== props.autoFocus || $[19] !== props.isRequired || $[20] !== props.forceValidation) { |
| t8 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ImageField, { |
| image: t6, |
| onChange: t7, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| isRequired: props.isRequired, |
| forceValidation: props.forceValidation |
| }); |
| $[16] = t6; |
| $[17] = t7; |
| $[18] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[19] = props.isRequired; |
| $[20] = props.forceValidation; |
| $[21] = t8; |
| } else { |
| t8 = $[21]; |
| } |
| let t9; |
| if ($[22] !== labelId || $[23] !== t0 || $[24] !== t3 || $[25] !== t8) { |
| t9 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(VStack, { |
| "aria-labelledby": labelId, |
| "aria-describedby": t0, |
| border: "muted", |
| borderRadius: "medium", |
| minWidth: 0, |
| role: "group", |
| children: [t3, t8] |
| }); |
| $[22] = labelId; |
| $[23] = t0; |
| $[24] = t3; |
| $[25] = t8; |
| $[26] = t9; |
| } else { |
| t9 = $[26]; |
| } |
| return t9; |
| } |
| function cloudImage({ |
| label, |
| description, |
| validation |
| }) { |
| return { |
| ...object({ |
| src: text({ |
| label: 'URL', |
| validation: { |
| length: { |
| min: validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.isRequired ? 1 : 0 |
| } |
| } |
| }), |
| alt: text({ |
| label: 'Alt text' |
| }), |
| height: integer({ |
| label: 'Height' |
| }), |
| width: integer({ |
| label: 'Width' |
| }) |
| }, { |
| label, |
| description |
| }), |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(CloudImageFieldInput, { |
| ...props, |
| isRequired: validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.isRequired |
| }); |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function conditional(discriminant, values) { |
| return { |
| kind: 'conditional', |
| discriminant, |
| values: values |
| }; |
| } |
| function validateDate(validation, value, label) { |
| if (value !== null && !/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/.test(value)) { |
| return `${label} is not a valid date`; |
| } |
| if (validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.isRequired && value === null) { |
| return `${label} is required`; |
| } |
| if ((validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.min || validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.max) && value !== null) { |
| const date = new Date(value); |
| if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.min) !== undefined) { |
| const min = new Date(validation.min); |
| if (date < min) { |
| return `${label} must be after ${min.toLocaleDateString()}`; |
| } |
| } |
| if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.max) !== undefined) { |
| const max = new Date(validation.max); |
| if (date > max) { |
| return `${label} must be no later than ${max.toLocaleDateString()}`; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| function DateFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation; |
| const $ = c(15); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t0 = () => true; |
| $[0] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[0]; |
| } |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(t0, false); |
| let t1; |
| if ($[1] !== props) { |
| t1 = val => { |
| props.onChange(val === "" ? null : val); |
| }; |
| $[1] = props; |
| $[2] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[2]; |
| } |
| const t2 = props.value === null ? "" : props.value; |
| const t3 = (_props$validation = props.validation) === null || _props$validation === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation.isRequired; |
| let t4; |
| if ($[3] !== blurred || $[4] !== props) { |
| t4 = blurred || props.forceValidation ? validateDate(props.validation, props.value, props.label) : undefined; |
| $[3] = blurred; |
| $[4] = props; |
| $[5] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[5]; |
| } |
| let t5; |
| if ($[6] !== props.label || $[7] !== props.description || $[8] !== props.autoFocus || $[9] !== t1 || $[10] !== t2 || $[11] !== onBlur || $[12] !== t3 || $[13] !== t4) { |
| t5 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextField, { |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| type: "date", |
| onChange: t1, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| value: t2, |
| onBlur: onBlur, |
| isRequired: t3, |
| errorMessage: t4 |
| }); |
| $[6] = props.label; |
| $[7] = props.description; |
| $[8] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[9] = t1; |
| $[10] = t2; |
| $[11] = onBlur; |
| $[12] = t3; |
| $[13] = t4; |
| $[14] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[14]; |
| } |
| return t5; |
| } |
| function date({ |
| label, |
| defaultValue, |
| validation, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(DateFieldInput, { |
| validation: validation, |
| label: label, |
| description: description, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| if (defaultValue === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof defaultValue === 'string') { |
| return defaultValue; |
| } |
| const today = new Date(); |
| const year = today.getFullYear(); |
| const month = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); |
| const day = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); |
| return `${year}-${month}-${day}`; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (value instanceof Date) { |
| const year = value.getUTCFullYear(); |
| const month = String(value.getUTCMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); |
| const day = String(value.getUTCDate()).padStart(2, '0'); |
| return `${year}-${month}-${day}`; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| if (value === null) return { |
| value: undefined |
| }; |
| const date = new Date(value); |
| date.toISOString = () => value; |
| date.toString = () => value; |
| return { |
| value: date |
| }; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| const message = validateDate(validation, value, label); |
| if (message !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(message); |
| } |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function validateDatetime(validation, value, label) { |
| if (value !== null && !/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}$/.test(value)) { |
| return `${label} is not a valid datetime`; |
| } |
| if (validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.isRequired && value === null) { |
| return `${label} is required`; |
| } |
| if ((validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.min || validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.max) && value !== null) { |
| const datetime = new Date(value); |
| if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.min) !== undefined) { |
| const min = new Date(validation.min); |
| if (datetime < min) { |
| return `${label} must be after ${min.toISOString()}`; |
| } |
| } |
| if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.max) !== undefined) { |
| const max = new Date(validation.max); |
| if (datetime > max) { |
| return `${label} must be no later than ${max.toISOString()}`; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| function DatetimeFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation; |
| const $ = c(15); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t0 = () => true; |
| $[0] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[0]; |
| } |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(t0, false); |
| let t1; |
| if ($[1] !== props) { |
| t1 = val => { |
| props.onChange(val === "" ? null : val); |
| }; |
| $[1] = props; |
| $[2] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[2]; |
| } |
| const t2 = props.value === null ? "" : props.value; |
| const t3 = (_props$validation = props.validation) === null || _props$validation === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation.isRequired; |
| let t4; |
| if ($[3] !== blurred || $[4] !== props) { |
| t4 = blurred || props.forceValidation ? validateDatetime(props.validation, props.value, props.label) : undefined; |
| $[3] = blurred; |
| $[4] = props; |
| $[5] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[5]; |
| } |
| let t5; |
| if ($[6] !== props.label || $[7] !== props.description || $[8] !== props.autoFocus || $[9] !== t1 || $[10] !== t2 || $[11] !== onBlur || $[12] !== t3 || $[13] !== t4) { |
| t5 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextField, { |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| type: "datetime-local", |
| onChange: t1, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| value: t2, |
| onBlur: onBlur, |
| isRequired: t3, |
| errorMessage: t4 |
| }); |
| $[6] = props.label; |
| $[7] = props.description; |
| $[8] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[9] = t1; |
| $[10] = t2; |
| $[11] = onBlur; |
| $[12] = t3; |
| $[13] = t4; |
| $[14] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[14]; |
| } |
| return t5; |
| } |
| function datetime({ |
| label, |
| defaultValue, |
| validation, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(DatetimeFieldInput, { |
| validation: validation, |
| label: label, |
| description: description, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| if (defaultValue === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof defaultValue === 'string') { |
| return defaultValue; |
| } |
| if (defaultValue.kind === 'now') { |
| const now = new Date(); |
| return new Date(now.getTime() - now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000).toISOString().slice(0, -8); |
| } |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (value instanceof Date) { |
| return value.toISOString().slice(0, -8); |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string or date'); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| if (value === null) return { |
| value: undefined |
| }; |
| const date = new Date(value + 'Z'); |
| date.toJSON = () => date.toISOString().slice(0, -8); |
| date.toString = () => date.toISOString().slice(0, -8); |
| return { |
| value: date |
| }; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| const message = validateDatetime(validation, value, label); |
| if (message !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(message); |
| } |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function empty() { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| Input() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parse() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| serialize() { |
| return { |
| value: undefined |
| }; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| label: 'Empty' |
| }); |
| } |
| /** |
| * @deprecated `emptyDocument` has been replaced with the `emptyContent` field |
| */ |
| function emptyDocument() { |
| return { |
| kind: 'form', |
| formKind: 'content', |
| Input() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parse() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| contentExtension: '.mdoc', |
| serialize() { |
| return { |
| value: undefined, |
| content: new Uint8Array(), |
| external: new Map(), |
| other: new Map() |
| }; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| reader: { |
| parse() { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function emptyContent(opts) { |
| return { |
| kind: 'form', |
| formKind: 'content', |
| Input() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parse() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| contentExtension: `.${opts.extension}`, |
| serialize() { |
| return { |
| value: undefined, |
| content: new Uint8Array(), |
| external: new Map(), |
| other: new Map() |
| }; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| reader: { |
| parse() { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function FileFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation; |
| const $ = c(34); |
| const { |
| value |
| } = props; |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t0 = () => true; |
| $[0] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[0]; |
| } |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(t0, false); |
| const isInEditor = useIsInDocumentEditor(); |
| const objectUrl = useObjectURL(value === null ? null : value.data, undefined); |
| const labelId = useId(); |
| const descriptionId = useId(); |
| const t1 = props.description ? descriptionId : undefined; |
| const t2 = (_props$validation = props.validation) === null || _props$validation === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation.isRequired; |
| let t3; |
| if ($[1] !== labelId || $[2] !== t2 || $[3] !== props.label) { |
| t3 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FieldLabel, { |
| id: labelId, |
| elementType: "span", |
| isRequired: t2, |
| children: props.label |
| }); |
| $[1] = labelId; |
| $[2] = t2; |
| $[3] = props.label; |
| $[4] = t3; |
| } else { |
| t3 = $[4]; |
| } |
| let t4; |
| if ($[5] !== props.description || $[6] !== descriptionId) { |
| t4 = props.description && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FieldDescription, { |
| id: descriptionId, |
| children: props.description |
| }); |
| $[5] = props.description; |
| $[6] = descriptionId; |
| $[7] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[7]; |
| } |
| let t5; |
| if ($[8] !== props) { |
| t5 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ActionButton, { |
| onPress: async () => { |
| const file = await getUploadedFile(""); |
| if (file) { |
| var _file$filename$match$, _file$filename$match; |
| props.onChange({ |
| data: file.content, |
| filename: props.transformFilename ? props.transformFilename(file.filename) : file.filename, |
| extension: (_file$filename$match$ = (_file$filename$match = file.filename.match(/\.([^.]+$)/)) === null || _file$filename$match === void 0 ? void 0 : _file$filename$match[1]) !== null && _file$filename$match$ !== void 0 ? _file$filename$match$ : "" |
| }); |
| } |
| }, |
| children: "Choose file" |
| }); |
| $[8] = props; |
| $[9] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[9]; |
| } |
| let t6; |
| if ($[10] !== value || $[11] !== props || $[12] !== onBlur || $[13] !== objectUrl) { |
| t6 = value !== null && /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Fragment, { |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(ActionButton, { |
| prominence: "low", |
| onPress: () => { |
| props.onChange(null); |
| onBlur(); |
| }, |
| children: "Remove" |
| }), objectUrl && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Button, { |
| href: objectUrl, |
| download: value.filename, |
| prominence: "low", |
| children: "Download" |
| })] |
| }); |
| $[10] = value; |
| $[11] = props; |
| $[12] = onBlur; |
| $[13] = objectUrl; |
| $[14] = t6; |
| } else { |
| t6 = $[14]; |
| } |
| let t7; |
| if ($[15] !== t5 || $[16] !== t6) { |
| t7 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(ButtonGroup, { |
| children: [t5, t6] |
| }); |
| $[15] = t5; |
| $[16] = t6; |
| $[17] = t7; |
| } else { |
| t7 = $[17]; |
| } |
| let t8; |
| if ($[18] !== isInEditor || $[19] !== value || $[20] !== props) { |
| t8 = isInEditor && value !== null && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextField, { |
| label: "Filename", |
| onChange: filename => { |
| props.onChange({ |
| ...value, |
| filename |
| }); |
| }, |
| value: value.filename |
| }); |
| $[18] = isInEditor; |
| $[19] = value; |
| $[20] = props; |
| $[21] = t8; |
| } else { |
| t8 = $[21]; |
| } |
| let t9; |
| if ($[22] !== props || $[23] !== blurred || $[24] !== value) { |
| var _props$validation2; |
| t9 = (props.forceValidation || blurred) && ((_props$validation2 = props.validation) === null || _props$validation2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation2.isRequired) && value === null && /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(FieldMessage, { |
| children: [props.label, " is required"] |
| }); |
| $[22] = props; |
| $[23] = blurred; |
| $[24] = value; |
| $[25] = t9; |
| } else { |
| t9 = $[25]; |
| } |
| let t10; |
| if ($[26] !== t1 || $[27] !== labelId || $[28] !== t3 || $[29] !== t4 || $[30] !== t7 || $[31] !== t8 || $[32] !== t9) { |
| t10 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Flex, { |
| "aria-describedby": t1, |
| "aria-labelledby": labelId, |
| direction: "column", |
| gap: "medium", |
| role: "group", |
| children: [t3, t4, t7, t8, t9] |
| }); |
| $[26] = t1; |
| $[27] = labelId; |
| $[28] = t3; |
| $[29] = t4; |
| $[30] = t7; |
| $[31] = t8; |
| $[32] = t9; |
| $[33] = t10; |
| } else { |
| t10 = $[33]; |
| } |
| return t10; |
| } |
| function file({ |
| label, |
| directory, |
| validation, |
| description, |
| publicPath, |
| transformFilename |
| }) { |
| return { |
| kind: 'form', |
| formKind: 'asset', |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FileFieldInput, { |
| label: label, |
| description: description, |
| validation: validation, |
| transformFilename: transformFilename, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| filename(value, args) { |
| if (typeof value === 'string') { |
| return value.slice(getSrcPrefix(publicPath, args.slug).length); |
| } |
| return undefined; |
| }, |
| parse(value, args) { |
| var _value$match$, _value$match; |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| if (args.asset === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| return { |
| data: args.asset, |
| filename: value.slice(getSrcPrefix(publicPath, args.slug).length), |
| extension: (_value$match$ = (_value$match = value.match(/\.([^.]+$)/)) === null || _value$match === void 0 ? void 0 : _value$match[1]) !== null && _value$match$ !== void 0 ? _value$match$ : '' |
| }; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value, args) { |
| if (value === null) { |
| return { |
| value: undefined, |
| asset: undefined |
| }; |
| } |
| const filename = args.suggestedFilenamePrefix ? args.suggestedFilenamePrefix + '.' + value.extension : value.filename; |
| return { |
| value: `${getSrcPrefix(publicPath, args.slug)}${filename}`, |
| asset: { |
| filename, |
| content: value.data |
| } |
| }; |
| }, |
| directory: directory ? fixPath(directory) : undefined, |
| reader: { |
| parse(value) { |
| if (typeof value !== 'string' && value !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| const val = value === undefined ? null : value; |
| assertRequired(val, validation, label); |
| return val; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function image({ |
| label, |
| directory, |
| validation, |
| description, |
| publicPath, |
| transformFilename |
| }) { |
| return { |
| kind: 'form', |
| formKind: 'asset', |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ImageFieldInput, { |
| label: label, |
| description: description, |
| validation: validation, |
| transformFilename: transformFilename, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| filename(value, args) { |
| if (typeof value === 'string') { |
| return value.slice(getSrcPrefix(publicPath, args.slug).length); |
| } |
| return undefined; |
| }, |
| parse(value, args) { |
| var _value$match$, _value$match; |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| if (args.asset === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| return { |
| data: args.asset, |
| filename: value.slice(getSrcPrefix(publicPath, args.slug).length), |
| extension: (_value$match$ = (_value$match = value.match(/\.([^.]+$)/)) === null || _value$match === void 0 ? void 0 : _value$match[1]) !== null && _value$match$ !== void 0 ? _value$match$ : '' |
| }; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value, args) { |
| if (value === null) { |
| return { |
| value: undefined, |
| asset: undefined |
| }; |
| } |
| const filename = args.suggestedFilenamePrefix ? args.suggestedFilenamePrefix + '.' + value.extension : value.filename; |
| return { |
| value: `${getSrcPrefix(publicPath, args.slug)}${filename}`, |
| asset: { |
| filename, |
| content: value.data |
| } |
| }; |
| }, |
| directory: directory ? fixPath(directory) : undefined, |
| reader: { |
| parse(value) { |
| if (typeof value !== 'string' && value !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| const val = value === undefined ? null : value; |
| assertRequired(val, validation, label); |
| return val; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function validateMultiRelationshipLength(validation, value) { |
| var _validation$length$mi, _validation$length, _validation$length$ma, _validation$length2; |
| const minLength = (_validation$length$mi = validation === null || validation === void 0 || (_validation$length = validation.length) === null || _validation$length === void 0 ? void 0 : _validation$length.min) !== null && _validation$length$mi !== void 0 ? _validation$length$mi : 0; |
| if (value.length < minLength) { |
| return `Must have at least ${pluralize(minLength, { |
| singular: 'item' |
| })}.`; |
| } |
| const maxLength = (_validation$length$ma = validation === null || validation === void 0 || (_validation$length2 = validation.length) === null || _validation$length2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _validation$length2.max) !== null && _validation$length$ma !== void 0 ? _validation$length$ma : Infinity; |
| if (value.length > maxLength) { |
| return `Must have at most ${pluralize(maxLength, { |
| singular: 'item' |
| })}.`; |
| } |
| } |
| function MultiRelationshipInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation; |
| const valAsObjects = useMemo(() => { |
| return props.value.map(key => ({ |
| key |
| })); |
| }, [props.value]); |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(() => true, false); |
| const slugs = useSlugsInCollection(props.collection); |
| const options = useMemo(() => { |
| return slugs.map(slug => ({ |
| slug |
| })); |
| }, [slugs]); |
| const _errorMessage = (props.forceValidation || blurred) && validateMultiRelationshipLength(props.validation, props.value); |
| // this state & effect shouldn't really exist |
| // it's here because react-aria/stately calls onSelectionChange with null |
| // after selecting an item if we immediately remove the error message |
| // so we delay it with an effect |
| const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(_errorMessage); |
| useEffect(() => { |
| setErrorMessage(_errorMessage); |
| }, [_errorMessage]); |
| const items = useMemo(() => { |
| const elementSet = new Set(props.value); |
| return options.filter(option => !elementSet.has(option.slug)); |
| }, [props.value, options]); |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(VStack, { |
| gap: "medium", |
| minWidth: 0, |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(Combobox, { |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| selectedKey: null, |
| placeholder: items.length === 0 ? 'All selected' : undefined, |
| onSelectionChange: key_0 => { |
| if (typeof key_0 === 'string') { |
| props.onChange([...props.value, key_0]); |
| } |
| }, |
| disabledKeys: ['No more items…'], |
| onBlur: onBlur, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| defaultItems: items.length ? items : [{ |
| slug: 'No more items…' |
| }], |
| isReadOnly: items.length === 0, |
| isRequired: ((_props$validation = props.validation) === null || _props$validation === void 0 || (_props$validation = _props$validation.length) === null || _props$validation === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation.min) !== undefined && props.validation.length.min >= 1, |
| errorMessage: errorMessage, |
| width: "auto", |
| children: item => /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Item$2, { |
| children: item.slug |
| }, item.slug) |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsx(MultiRelationshipListView, { |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| forceValidation: props.forceValidation, |
| onChange: value => { |
| props.onChange(value.map(x => x.key)); |
| }, |
| elements: valAsObjects, |
| "aria-label": props.label |
| }) ] |
| }); |
| } |
| function MultiRelationshipListView(props) { |
| const [selectedKeys, setSelectedKeys] = useState(() => new Set([])); |
| let onMove = (keys, target) => { |
| const targetIndex = props.elements.findIndex(x => x.key === target.key); |
| if (targetIndex === -1) return; |
| const allKeys = props.elements.map(x_0 => ({ |
| key: x_0.key |
| })); |
| const indexToMoveTo = target.dropPosition === 'before' ? targetIndex : targetIndex + 1; |
| const indices = keys.map(key => allKeys.findIndex(x_1 => x_1.key === key)); |
| props.onChange(move(allKeys, indices, indexToMoveTo)); |
| }; |
| const dragType = useMemo(() => Math.random().toString(36), []); |
| let { |
| dragAndDropHooks |
| } = useDragAndDrop({ |
| getItems(keys_0) { |
| // Use a drag type so the items can only be reordered within this list |
| // and not dragged elsewhere. |
| return [...keys_0].map(key_0 => { |
| key_0 = JSON.stringify(key_0); |
| return { |
| [dragType]: key_0, |
| 'text/plain': key_0 |
| }; |
| }); |
| }, |
| getAllowedDropOperations() { |
| return ['move', 'cancel']; |
| }, |
| async onDrop(e) { |
| if (e.target.type !== 'root' && e.target.dropPosition !== 'on') { |
| let keys_1 = []; |
| for (let item of e.items) { |
| if (item.kind === 'text') { |
| let key_1; |
| if (item.types.has(dragType)) { |
| key_1 = JSON.parse(await item.getText(dragType)); |
| keys_1.push(key_1); |
| } else if (item.types.has('text/plain')) { |
| // Fallback for Chrome Android case: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1293803 |
| // Multiple drag items are contained in a single string so we need to split them out |
| key_1 = await item.getText('text/plain'); |
| keys_1 = key_1.split('\n').map(val => val.replaceAll('"', '')); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| onMove(keys_1, e.target); |
| } |
| }, |
| getDropOperation(target_0) { |
| if (target_0.type === 'root' || target_0.dropPosition === 'on') { |
| return 'cancel'; |
| } |
| return 'move'; |
| } |
| }); |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(ActionBarContainer, { |
| maxHeight: "scale.3400", |
| minHeight: "scale.1600", |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(ListView, { |
| "aria-label": props['aria-label'], |
| items: props.elements, |
| dragAndDropHooks: dragAndDropHooks, |
| selectionMode: "multiple", |
| onSelectionChange: setSelectedKeys, |
| selectedKeys: selectedKeys, |
| renderEmptyState: arrayFieldEmptyState |
| // density="compact" |
| , |
| UNSAFE_className: css({ |
| borderRadius: tokenSchema.size.radius.regular |
| }), |
| children: item_0 => { |
| const label = item_0.key; |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Item$2, { |
| textValue: label, |
| children: label |
| }, item_0.key); |
| } |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsx(ActionBar, { |
| selectedItemCount: selectedKeys === 'all' ? 'all' : selectedKeys.size, |
| onClearSelection: () => setSelectedKeys(new Set()), |
| onAction: key_2 => { |
| if (key_2 === 'delete') { |
| let newItems = props.elements; |
| if (selectedKeys instanceof Set) { |
| newItems = props.elements.filter(item_1 => !selectedKeys.has(item_1.key)); |
| } else if (selectedKeys === 'all') { |
| newItems = []; |
| } |
| props.onChange(newItems); |
| setSelectedKeys(new Set()); |
| } |
| }, |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Item$2, { |
| textValue: "Remove", |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(Icon, { |
| src: trash2Icon |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| children: "Remove" |
| })] |
| }, "delete") |
| })] |
| }); |
| } |
| function arrayFieldEmptyState() { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(VStack, { |
| gap: "large", |
| alignItems: "center", |
| justifyContent: "center", |
| height: "100%", |
| padding: "regular", |
| children: /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| align: "center", |
| color: "neutralTertiary", |
| children: "No items selected\u2026" |
| }) |
| }); |
| } |
| function multiRelationship({ |
| label, |
| collection, |
| validation, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(MultiRelationshipInput, { |
| label: label, |
| collection: collection, |
| description: description, |
| validation: validation, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return []; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| if (!Array.isArray(value) || !value.every(isString)) { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be an array of strings'); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| const error = validateMultiRelationshipLength(validation, value); |
| if (error) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(error); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function MultiselectFieldInput(props) { |
| const $ = c(14); |
| const labelId = useId(); |
| const descriptionId = useId(); |
| const t0 = props.description ? descriptionId : undefined; |
| let t1; |
| if ($[0] !== labelId || $[1] !== props.label) { |
| t1 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(FieldLabel, { |
| elementType: "span", |
| id: labelId, |
| children: props.label |
| }); |
| $[0] = labelId; |
| $[1] = props.label; |
| $[2] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[2]; |
| } |
| let t2; |
| if ($[3] !== props.description || $[4] !== descriptionId) { |
| t2 = props.description && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| id: descriptionId, |
| size: "small", |
| color: "neutralSecondary", |
| children: props.description |
| }); |
| $[3] = props.description; |
| $[4] = descriptionId; |
| $[5] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[5]; |
| } |
| let t3; |
| if ($[6] !== props) { |
| t3 = props.options.map(option => /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Checkbox, { |
| isSelected: props.value.includes(option.value), |
| onChange: () => { |
| if (props.value.includes(option.value)) { |
| props.onChange(props.value.filter(x => x !== option.value)); |
| } else { |
| props.onChange([...props.value, option.value]); |
| } |
| }, |
| children: option.label |
| }, option.value)); |
| $[6] = props; |
| $[7] = t3; |
| } else { |
| t3 = $[7]; |
| } |
| let t4; |
| if ($[8] !== labelId || $[9] !== t0 || $[10] !== t1 || $[11] !== t2 || $[12] !== t3) { |
| t4 = /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Flex, { |
| role: "group", |
| "aria-labelledby": labelId, |
| "aria-describedby": t0, |
| direction: "column", |
| gap: "medium", |
| children: [t1, t2, t3] |
| }); |
| $[8] = labelId; |
| $[9] = t0; |
| $[10] = t1; |
| $[11] = t2; |
| $[12] = t3; |
| $[13] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[13]; |
| } |
| return t4; |
| } |
| function multiselect({ |
| label, |
| options, |
| defaultValue = [], |
| description |
| }) { |
| const valuesToOption = new Map(options.map(x => [x.value, x])); |
| const field = basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(MultiselectFieldInput, { |
| label: label, |
| description: description, |
| options: options, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return defaultValue; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| if (!Array.isArray(value)) { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be an array of options'); |
| } |
| if (!value.every(x => typeof x === 'string' && valuesToOption.has(x))) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(`Must be an array with one of ${options.map(x => x.value).join(', ')}`); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| return { |
| ...field, |
| options |
| }; |
| } |
| function validateNumber(validation, value, step, label) { |
| if (value !== null && typeof value !== 'number') { |
| return `${label} must be a number`; |
| } |
| if (validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.isRequired && value === null) { |
| return `${label} is required`; |
| } |
| if (value !== null) { |
| if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.min) !== undefined && value < validation.min) { |
| return `${label} must be at least ${validation.min}`; |
| } |
| if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.max) !== undefined && value > validation.max) { |
| return `${label} must be at most ${validation.max}`; |
| } |
| if (step !== undefined && (validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.validateStep) !== undefined && !isAtStep(value, step)) { |
| return `${label} must be a multiple of ${step}`; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| function decimalPlaces(value) { |
| const stringified = value.toString(); |
| const indexOfDecimal = stringified.indexOf('.'); |
| if (indexOfDecimal === -1) { |
| const indexOfE = stringified.indexOf('e-'); |
| return indexOfE === -1 ? 0 : parseInt(stringified.slice(indexOfE + 2)); |
| } |
| return stringified.length - indexOfDecimal - 1; |
| } |
| function isAtStep(value, step) { |
| const dc = Math.max(decimalPlaces(step), decimalPlaces(value)); |
| const base = Math.pow(10, dc); |
| return value * base % (step * base) === 0; |
| } |
| function NumberFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation; |
| const $ = c(16); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t0 = () => true; |
| $[0] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[0]; |
| } |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(t0, false); |
| const t1 = (_props$validation = props.validation) === null || _props$validation === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation.isRequired; |
| let t2; |
| if ($[1] !== props || $[2] !== blurred) { |
| t2 = props.forceValidation || blurred ? validateNumber(props.validation, props.value, props.step, props.label) : undefined; |
| $[1] = props; |
| $[2] = blurred; |
| $[3] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[3]; |
| } |
| const t3 = props.value === null ? undefined : props.value; |
| let t4; |
| if ($[4] !== props) { |
| t4 = val => { |
| props.onChange(val === undefined ? null : val); |
| }; |
| $[4] = props; |
| $[5] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[5]; |
| } |
| let t5; |
| if ($[6] !== props.label || $[7] !== props.description || $[8] !== props.autoFocus || $[9] !== props.step || $[10] !== t1 || $[11] !== t2 || $[12] !== onBlur || $[13] !== t3 || $[14] !== t4) { |
| t5 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(NumberField, { |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| isRequired: t1, |
| errorMessage: t2, |
| onBlur: onBlur, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| step: props.step, |
| value: t3, |
| onChange: t4 |
| }); |
| $[6] = props.label; |
| $[7] = props.description; |
| $[8] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[9] = props.step; |
| $[10] = t1; |
| $[11] = t2; |
| $[12] = onBlur; |
| $[13] = t3; |
| $[14] = t4; |
| $[15] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[15]; |
| } |
| return t5; |
| } |
| function number({ |
| label, |
| defaultValue, |
| step, |
| validation, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(NumberFieldInput, { |
| label: label, |
| description: description, |
| validation: validation, |
| step: step, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== void 0 ? defaultValue : null; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof value === 'number') { |
| return value; |
| } |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a number'); |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| const message = validateNumber(validation, value, step, label); |
| if (message !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(message); |
| } |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value: value === null ? undefined : value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function PathReferenceInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation, _props$validation2; |
| const $ = c(24); |
| let t0; |
| let t1; |
| if ($[0] !== props.pattern) { |
| t1 = props.pattern ? filter(props.pattern) : () => true; |
| $[0] = props.pattern; |
| $[1] = t1; |
| } else { |
| t1 = $[1]; |
| } |
| t0 = t1; |
| const match = t0; |
| let t2; |
| if ($[2] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t2 = () => true; |
| $[2] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[2]; |
| } |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(t2, false); |
| const tree = useTree().current; |
| let t3; |
| let t4; |
| if ($[3] !== tree || $[4] !== match) { |
| const files = tree.kind === "loaded" ? [...tree.data.entries.values()] : []; |
| let t5; |
| if ($[6] !== match) { |
| t5 = val => match(val.path); |
| $[6] = match; |
| $[7] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[7]; |
| } |
| t4 = files.filter(t5); |
| $[3] = tree; |
| $[4] = match; |
| $[5] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[5]; |
| } |
| t3 = t4; |
| const options = t3; |
| const _errorMessage = (props.forceValidation || blurred) && (_props$validation = props.validation) !== null && _props$validation !== void 0 && _props$validation.isRequired && props.value === null ? `${props.label} is required` : undefined; |
| const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(_errorMessage); |
| let t5; |
| let t6; |
| if ($[8] !== _errorMessage) { |
| t5 = () => { |
| setErrorMessage(_errorMessage); |
| }; |
| t6 = [_errorMessage]; |
| $[8] = _errorMessage; |
| $[9] = t5; |
| $[10] = t6; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[9]; |
| t6 = $[10]; |
| } |
| useEffect(t5, t6); |
| let t7; |
| if ($[11] !== props) { |
| t7 = key => { |
| if (typeof key === "string" || key === null) { |
| props.onChange(key); |
| } |
| }; |
| $[11] = props; |
| $[12] = t7; |
| } else { |
| t7 = $[12]; |
| } |
| const t8 = (_props$validation2 = props.validation) === null || _props$validation2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation2.isRequired; |
| let t9; |
| if ($[13] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t9 = item => /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Item$3, { |
| children: item.path |
| }, item.path); |
| $[13] = t9; |
| } else { |
| t9 = $[13]; |
| } |
| let t10; |
| if ($[14] !== props.label || $[15] !== props.description || $[16] !== props.value || $[17] !== props.autoFocus || $[18] !== t7 || $[19] !== onBlur || $[20] !== t8 || $[21] !== errorMessage || $[22] !== options) { |
| t10 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Combobox, { |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| selectedKey: props.value, |
| onSelectionChange: t7, |
| onBlur: onBlur, |
| isRequired: t8, |
| errorMessage: errorMessage, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| defaultItems: options, |
| width: "auto", |
| children: t9 |
| }); |
| $[14] = props.label; |
| $[15] = props.description; |
| $[16] = props.value; |
| $[17] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[18] = t7; |
| $[19] = onBlur; |
| $[20] = t8; |
| $[21] = errorMessage; |
| $[22] = options; |
| $[23] = t10; |
| } else { |
| t10 = $[23]; |
| } |
| return t10; |
| } |
| function pathReference({ |
| label, |
| pattern, |
| validation, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(PathReferenceInput, { |
| label: label, |
| pattern: pattern, |
| description: description, |
| validation: validation, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value: value === null ? undefined : value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function RelationshipInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation, _props$validation2; |
| const $ = c(20); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t0 = () => true; |
| $[0] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[0]; |
| } |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(t0, false); |
| const slugs = useSlugsInCollection(props.collection); |
| let t1; |
| let t2; |
| if ($[1] !== slugs) { |
| let t3; |
| if ($[3] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t3 = slug => ({ |
| slug |
| }); |
| $[3] = t3; |
| } else { |
| t3 = $[3]; |
| } |
| t2 = slugs.map(t3); |
| $[1] = slugs; |
| $[2] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[2]; |
| } |
| t1 = t2; |
| const options = t1; |
| const _errorMessage = (props.forceValidation || blurred) && (_props$validation = props.validation) !== null && _props$validation !== void 0 && _props$validation.isRequired && props.value === null ? `${props.label} is required` : undefined; |
| const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(_errorMessage); |
| let t3; |
| let t4; |
| if ($[4] !== _errorMessage) { |
| t3 = () => { |
| setErrorMessage(_errorMessage); |
| }; |
| t4 = [_errorMessage]; |
| $[4] = _errorMessage; |
| $[5] = t3; |
| $[6] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t3 = $[5]; |
| t4 = $[6]; |
| } |
| useEffect(t3, t4); |
| let t5; |
| if ($[7] !== props) { |
| t5 = key => { |
| if (typeof key === "string" || key === null) { |
| props.onChange(key); |
| } |
| }; |
| $[7] = props; |
| $[8] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[8]; |
| } |
| const t6 = (_props$validation2 = props.validation) === null || _props$validation2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation2.isRequired; |
| let t7; |
| if ($[9] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t7 = item => /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Item$2, { |
| children: item.slug |
| }, item.slug); |
| $[9] = t7; |
| } else { |
| t7 = $[9]; |
| } |
| let t8; |
| if ($[10] !== props.label || $[11] !== props.description || $[12] !== props.value || $[13] !== props.autoFocus || $[14] !== t5 || $[15] !== onBlur || $[16] !== options || $[17] !== t6 || $[18] !== errorMessage) { |
| t8 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Combobox, { |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| selectedKey: props.value, |
| onSelectionChange: t5, |
| onBlur: onBlur, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| defaultItems: options, |
| isRequired: t6, |
| errorMessage: errorMessage, |
| width: "auto", |
| children: t7 |
| }); |
| $[10] = props.label; |
| $[11] = props.description; |
| $[12] = props.value; |
| $[13] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[14] = t5; |
| $[15] = onBlur; |
| $[16] = options; |
| $[17] = t6; |
| $[18] = errorMessage; |
| $[19] = t8; |
| } else { |
| t8 = $[19]; |
| } |
| return t8; |
| } |
| function relationship({ |
| label, |
| collection, |
| validation, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(RelationshipInput, { |
| label: label, |
| collection: collection, |
| description: description, |
| validation: validation, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value: value === null ? undefined : value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| const emptySet = new Set(); |
| function SlugFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$args$slug$labe, _props$args$slug, _props$args$slug$vali, _props$args$slug2, _props$args$slug$vali2, _props$args$slug3, _props$args$slug4, _props$args$name$vali, _props$args$name$vali2, _props$args$name$vali3, _props$args$name$vali4, _props$args$name$vali5, _props$args$name$vali6, _props$args$slug5; |
| const slugContext = useContext(SlugFieldContext); |
| const path = useContext(PathContext); |
| const slugInfo = path.length === 1 && path[0] === (slugContext === null || slugContext === void 0 ? void 0 : slugContext.field) ? slugContext : { |
| slugs: emptySet, |
| glob: '*' |
| }; |
| const [blurredName, setBlurredName] = useState(false); |
| const [blurredSlug, setBlurredSlug] = useState(false); |
| const [shouldGenerateSlug, setShouldGenerateSlug] = useState(props.value === props.defaultValue); |
| const generateSlug = name => { |
| const generated = props.naiveGenerateSlug(name); |
| if (slugInfo.slugs.has(generated)) { |
| let i = 1; |
| while (slugInfo.slugs.has(`${generated}-${i}`)) { |
| i++; |
| } |
| return `${generated}-${i}`; |
| } |
| return generated; |
| }; |
| const slugFieldLabel = (_props$args$slug$labe = (_props$args$slug = props.args.slug) === null || _props$args$slug === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$slug.label) !== null && _props$args$slug$labe !== void 0 ? _props$args$slug$labe : 'Slug'; |
| const slugErrorMessage = props.forceValidation || blurredSlug ? validateText(props.value.slug, (_props$args$slug$vali = (_props$args$slug2 = props.args.slug) === null || _props$args$slug2 === void 0 || (_props$args$slug2 = _props$args$slug2.validation) === null || _props$args$slug2 === void 0 || (_props$args$slug2 = _props$args$slug2.length) === null || _props$args$slug2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$slug2.min) !== null && _props$args$slug$vali !== void 0 ? _props$args$slug$vali : 1, (_props$args$slug$vali2 = (_props$args$slug3 = props.args.slug) === null || _props$args$slug3 === void 0 || (_props$args$slug3 = _props$args$slug3.validation) === null || _props$args$slug3 === void 0 || (_props$args$slug3 = _props$args$slug3.length) === null || _props$args$slug3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$slug3.max) !== null && _props$args$slug$vali2 !== void 0 ? _props$args$slug$vali2 : Infinity, slugFieldLabel, slugInfo, (_props$args$slug4 = props.args.slug) === null || _props$args$slug4 === void 0 || (_props$args$slug4 = _props$args$slug4.validation) === null || _props$args$slug4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$slug4.pattern) : undefined; |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Flex, { |
| gap: "xlarge", |
| direction: "column", |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextField, { |
| label: props.args.name.label, |
| description: props.args.name.description, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| value: props.value.name, |
| isRequired: !!((_props$args$name$vali = props.args.name.validation) !== null && _props$args$name$vali !== void 0 && (_props$args$name$vali = _props$args$name$vali.length) !== null && _props$args$name$vali !== void 0 && _props$args$name$vali.min), |
| onChange: name_0 => { |
| props.onChange({ |
| name: name_0, |
| slug: shouldGenerateSlug ? generateSlug(name_0) : props.value.slug |
| }); |
| }, |
| onBlur: () => setBlurredName(true), |
| errorMessage: props.forceValidation || blurredName ? validateText(props.value.name, (_props$args$name$vali2 = (_props$args$name$vali3 = props.args.name.validation) === null || _props$args$name$vali3 === void 0 || (_props$args$name$vali3 = _props$args$name$vali3.length) === null || _props$args$name$vali3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$name$vali3.min) !== null && _props$args$name$vali2 !== void 0 ? _props$args$name$vali2 : 0, (_props$args$name$vali4 = (_props$args$name$vali5 = props.args.name.validation) === null || _props$args$name$vali5 === void 0 || (_props$args$name$vali5 = _props$args$name$vali5.length) === null || _props$args$name$vali5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$name$vali5.max) !== null && _props$args$name$vali4 !== void 0 ? _props$args$name$vali4 : Infinity, props.args.name.label, undefined, (_props$args$name$vali6 = props.args.name.validation) === null || _props$args$name$vali6 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$name$vali6.pattern) : undefined |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Flex, { |
| gap: "regular", |
| alignItems: "end", |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextField, { |
| flex: 1, |
| label: slugFieldLabel, |
| description: (_props$args$slug5 = props.args.slug) === null || _props$args$slug5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$args$slug5.description, |
| value: props.value.slug, |
| onChange: slug => { |
| setShouldGenerateSlug(false); |
| props.onChange({ |
| name: props.value.name, |
| slug |
| }); |
| }, |
| onBlur: () => setBlurredSlug(true), |
| errorMessage: slugErrorMessage, |
| isRequired: true |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsxs(Flex, { |
| gap: "regular", |
| direction: "column", |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsxs(ActionButton, { |
| "aria-label": "regenerate", |
| onPress: () => { |
| props.onChange({ |
| name: props.value.name, |
| slug: generateSlug(props.value.name) |
| }); |
| }, |
| children: [/*#__PURE__*/jsx(Icon, { |
| src: refreshCwIcon, |
| UNSAFE_className: css({ |
| [containerQueries.above.mobile]: { |
| display: 'none' |
| } |
| }) |
| }), /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Text, { |
| UNSAFE_className: css({ |
| [containerQueries.below.tablet]: { |
| display: 'none' |
| } |
| }), |
| children: "Regenerate" |
| })] |
| }), slugErrorMessage !== undefined && /*#__PURE__*/jsx(Box, { |
| height: "element.xsmall" |
| })] |
| })] |
| })] |
| }); |
| } |
| function parseSlugFieldAsNormalField(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return { |
| name: '', |
| slug: '' |
| }; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'object') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be an object'); |
| } |
| if (Object.keys(value).length !== 2) { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Unexpected keys'); |
| } |
| if (!('name' in value) || !('slug' in value)) { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Missing name or slug'); |
| } |
| if (typeof value.name !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('name must be a string'); |
| } |
| if (typeof value.slug !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('slug must be a string'); |
| } |
| return { |
| name: value.name, |
| slug: value.slug |
| }; |
| } |
| function parseAsSlugField(value, slug) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return { |
| name: '', |
| slug |
| }; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| return { |
| name: value, |
| slug |
| }; |
| } |
| function slug(_args) { |
| var _args$name$validation, _args$name$validation2, _args$name$validation3, _args$name$validation4, _args$name$validation5, _args$slug; |
| const args = { |
| ..._args, |
| name: { |
| ..._args.name, |
| validation: { |
| pattern: (_args$name$validation = _args.name.validation) === null || _args$name$validation === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$name$validation.pattern, |
| length: { |
| min: Math.max((_args$name$validation2 = _args.name.validation) !== null && _args$name$validation2 !== void 0 && _args$name$validation2.isRequired ? 1 : 0, (_args$name$validation3 = (_args$name$validation4 = _args.name.validation) === null || _args$name$validation4 === void 0 || (_args$name$validation4 = _args$name$validation4.length) === null || _args$name$validation4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$name$validation4.min) !== null && _args$name$validation3 !== void 0 ? _args$name$validation3 : 0), |
| max: (_args$name$validation5 = _args.name.validation) === null || _args$name$validation5 === void 0 || (_args$name$validation5 = _args$name$validation5.length) === null || _args$name$validation5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$name$validation5.max |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| const naiveGenerateSlug = ((_args$slug = args.slug) === null || _args$slug === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$slug.generate) || slugify; |
| let _defaultValue; |
| function defaultValue() { |
| if (!_defaultValue) { |
| var _args$name$defaultVal, _args$name$defaultVal2; |
| _defaultValue = { |
| name: (_args$name$defaultVal = args.name.defaultValue) !== null && _args$name$defaultVal !== void 0 ? _args$name$defaultVal : '', |
| slug: naiveGenerateSlug((_args$name$defaultVal2 = args.name.defaultValue) !== null && _args$name$defaultVal2 !== void 0 ? _args$name$defaultVal2 : '') |
| }; |
| } |
| return _defaultValue; |
| } |
| function validate(value, { |
| slugField |
| } = { |
| slugField: undefined |
| }) { |
| var _args$name$validation6, _args$name$validation7, _args$name$validation8, _args$name$validation9, _args$name$validation10, _args$slug$validation, _args$slug2, _args$slug$validation2, _args$slug3, _args$slug$label, _args$slug4, _args$slug5; |
| const nameMessage = validateText(value.name, (_args$name$validation6 = (_args$name$validation7 = args.name.validation) === null || _args$name$validation7 === void 0 || (_args$name$validation7 = _args$name$validation7.length) === null || _args$name$validation7 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$name$validation7.min) !== null && _args$name$validation6 !== void 0 ? _args$name$validation6 : 0, (_args$name$validation8 = (_args$name$validation9 = args.name.validation) === null || _args$name$validation9 === void 0 || (_args$name$validation9 = _args$name$validation9.length) === null || _args$name$validation9 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$name$validation9.max) !== null && _args$name$validation8 !== void 0 ? _args$name$validation8 : Infinity, args.name.label, undefined, (_args$name$validation10 = args.name.validation) === null || _args$name$validation10 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$name$validation10.pattern); |
| if (nameMessage !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(nameMessage); |
| } |
| const slugMessage = validateText(value.slug, (_args$slug$validation = (_args$slug2 = args.slug) === null || _args$slug2 === void 0 || (_args$slug2 = _args$slug2.validation) === null || _args$slug2 === void 0 || (_args$slug2 = _args$slug2.length) === null || _args$slug2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$slug2.min) !== null && _args$slug$validation !== void 0 ? _args$slug$validation : 1, (_args$slug$validation2 = (_args$slug3 = args.slug) === null || _args$slug3 === void 0 || (_args$slug3 = _args$slug3.validation) === null || _args$slug3 === void 0 || (_args$slug3 = _args$slug3.length) === null || _args$slug3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$slug3.max) !== null && _args$slug$validation2 !== void 0 ? _args$slug$validation2 : Infinity, (_args$slug$label = (_args$slug4 = args.slug) === null || _args$slug4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$slug4.label) !== null && _args$slug$label !== void 0 ? _args$slug$label : 'Slug', slugField ? slugField : { |
| slugs: emptySet, |
| glob: '*' |
| }, (_args$slug5 = args.slug) === null || _args$slug5 === void 0 || (_args$slug5 = _args$slug5.validation) === null || _args$slug5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$slug5.pattern); |
| if (slugMessage !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(slugMessage); |
| } |
| return value; |
| } |
| const emptySet = new Set(); |
| return { |
| kind: 'form', |
| formKind: 'slug', |
| label: args.name.label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(SlugFieldInput, { |
| args: args, |
| naiveGenerateSlug: naiveGenerateSlug, |
| defaultValue: defaultValue(), |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue, |
| parse(value, args) { |
| if ((args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.slug) !== undefined) { |
| return parseAsSlugField(value, args.slug); |
| } |
| return parseSlugFieldAsNormalField(value); |
| }, |
| validate, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value |
| }; |
| }, |
| serializeWithSlug(value) { |
| return { |
| value: value.name, |
| slug: value.slug |
| }; |
| }, |
| reader: { |
| parse(value) { |
| const parsed = parseSlugFieldAsNormalField(value); |
| return validate(parsed); |
| }, |
| parseWithSlug(value, args) { |
| return validate(parseAsSlugField(value, args.slug), { |
| slugField: { |
| glob: args.glob, |
| slugs: emptySet |
| } |
| }).name; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function validateUrl(validation, value, label) { |
| if (value !== null && (typeof value !== 'string' || !isValidURL(value))) { |
| return `${label} is not a valid URL`; |
| } |
| if (validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.isRequired && value === null) { |
| return `${label} is required`; |
| } |
| } |
| function UrlFieldInput(props) { |
| var _props$validation; |
| const $ = c(15); |
| let t0; |
| if ($[0] === Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel")) { |
| t0 = () => true; |
| $[0] = t0; |
| } else { |
| t0 = $[0]; |
| } |
| const [blurred, onBlur] = useReducer(t0, false); |
| const t1 = props.value === null ? "" : props.value; |
| let t2; |
| if ($[1] !== props) { |
| t2 = val => { |
| props.onChange(val === "" ? null : val); |
| }; |
| $[1] = props; |
| $[2] = t2; |
| } else { |
| t2 = $[2]; |
| } |
| const t3 = (_props$validation = props.validation) === null || _props$validation === void 0 ? void 0 : _props$validation.isRequired; |
| let t4; |
| if ($[3] !== props || $[4] !== blurred) { |
| t4 = props.forceValidation || blurred ? validateUrl(props.validation, props.value, props.label) : undefined; |
| $[3] = props; |
| $[4] = blurred; |
| $[5] = t4; |
| } else { |
| t4 = $[5]; |
| } |
| let t5; |
| if ($[6] !== props.label || $[7] !== props.description || $[8] !== props.autoFocus || $[9] !== t1 || $[10] !== t2 || $[11] !== onBlur || $[12] !== t3 || $[13] !== t4) { |
| t5 = /*#__PURE__*/jsx(TextField, { |
| inputMode: "url", |
| width: "auto", |
| maxWidth: "scale.6000", |
| label: props.label, |
| description: props.description, |
| autoFocus: props.autoFocus, |
| value: t1, |
| onChange: t2, |
| onBlur: onBlur, |
| isRequired: t3, |
| errorMessage: t4 |
| }); |
| $[6] = props.label; |
| $[7] = props.description; |
| $[8] = props.autoFocus; |
| $[9] = t1; |
| $[10] = t2; |
| $[11] = onBlur; |
| $[12] = t3; |
| $[13] = t4; |
| $[14] = t5; |
| } else { |
| t5 = $[14]; |
| } |
| return t5; |
| } |
| function url({ |
| label, |
| defaultValue, |
| validation, |
| description |
| }) { |
| return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({ |
| label, |
| Input(props) { |
| return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(UrlFieldInput, { |
| label: label, |
| description: description, |
| validation: validation, |
| ...props |
| }); |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return defaultValue || null; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (typeof value !== 'string') { |
| throw new FieldDataError('Must be a string'); |
| } |
| return value === '' ? null : value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| const message = validateUrl(validation, value, label); |
| if (message !== undefined) { |
| throw new FieldDataError(message); |
| } |
| assertRequired(value, validation, label); |
| return value; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return { |
| value: value === null ? undefined : value |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function ignored() { |
| return { |
| kind: 'form', |
| Input() { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| defaultValue() { |
| return { |
| value: undefined |
| }; |
| }, |
| parse(value) { |
| return { |
| value |
| }; |
| }, |
| serialize(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| validate(value) { |
| return value; |
| }, |
| label: 'Ignored', |
| reader: { |
| parse(value) { |
| return value; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ |
| __proto__: null, |
| array: array, |
| blocks: blocks, |
| checkbox: checkbox, |
| child: child, |
| cloudImage: cloudImage, |
| conditional: conditional, |
| date: date, |
| datetime: datetime, |
| document: document, |
| empty: empty, |
| emptyDocument: emptyDocument, |
| emptyContent: emptyContent, |
| file: file, |
| image: image, |
| integer: integer, |
| multiRelationship: multiRelationship, |
| multiselect: multiselect, |
| number: number, |
| object: object, |
| pathReference: pathReference, |
| relationship: relationship, |
| select: select, |
| slug: slug, |
| text: text, |
| url: url, |
| ignored: ignored, |
| mdx: mdx, |
| markdoc: markdoc |
| }); |
| export { index as fields }; |