| import 'react'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/picker'; |
| import { p as parseProps, X as getValueAtPropPath, Y as formatFormDataError } from './index-9799c761.js'; |
| import 'react/jsx-runtime'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/button'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/dialog'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/field'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/layout'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/menu'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/slots'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/typography'; |
| import '@react-aria/i18n'; |
| import '@react-aria/label'; |
| import { v as getCollectionFormat, p as getCollectionPath, o as object, x as getSlugGlobForCollection, Z as getDataFileExtension, ab as getSingletonFormat, ac as getSingletonPath, w as getCollectionItemPath, g as getEntryDataFilepath } from './index-269488d0.js'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/drag-and-drop'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/trash2Icon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/list-view'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/tooltip'; |
| import 'emery'; |
| import 'slate'; |
| import 'slate-react'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/split-view'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/style'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelLeftOpenIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelLeftCloseIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelRightOpenIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/panelRightCloseIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/checkbox'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/number-field'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/text-field'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/imageIcon'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/link'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/progress'; |
| import '@braintree/sanitize-url'; |
| import '@react-stately/collections'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/action-bar'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/combobox'; |
| import 'minimatch'; |
| import '@keystar/ui/icon/icons/refreshCwIcon'; |
| import '@sindresorhus/slugify'; |
| import { l as loadDataFile } from './required-files-bd819871.js'; |
| function cache(func) { |
| return func; |
| } |
| async function getAllEntries(parent, fsReader) { |
| return (await Promise.all((await fsReader.readdir(parent)).map(async dirent => { |
| const name = `${parent}${dirent.name}`; |
| const entry = { |
| entry: dirent, |
| name |
| }; |
| if (dirent.kind === 'directory') { |
| return [entry, ...(await getAllEntries(`${name}/`, fsReader))]; |
| } |
| return entry; |
| }))).flat(); |
| } |
| const listCollection = cache(async function listCollection(collectionPath, glob, formatInfo, extension, fsReader) { |
| const entries = glob === '*' ? (await fsReader.readdir(collectionPath)).map(entry => ({ |
| entry, |
| name: entry.name |
| })) : (await getAllEntries(`${collectionPath}/`, fsReader)).map(x => ({ |
| entry: x.entry, |
| name: x.name.slice(collectionPath.length + 1) |
| })); |
| return (await Promise.all(entries.map(async x => { |
| if (formatInfo.dataLocation === 'index') { |
| if (x.entry.kind !== 'directory') return []; |
| if (!(await fsReader.fileExists(getEntryDataFilepath(`${collectionPath}/${x.name}`, formatInfo)))) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| return [x.name]; |
| } else { |
| if (x.entry.kind !== 'file' || !x.name.endsWith(extension)) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| return [x.name.slice(0, -extension.length)]; |
| } |
| }))).flat(); |
| }); |
| function collectionReader(collection, config, fsReader) { |
| const formatInfo = getCollectionFormat(config, collection); |
| const collectionPath = getCollectionPath(config, collection); |
| const collectionConfig = config.collections[collection]; |
| const schema = object(collectionConfig.schema); |
| const glob = getSlugGlobForCollection(config, collection); |
| const extension = getDataFileExtension(formatInfo); |
| const read = (slug, ...args) => { |
| var _args$; |
| return readItem(schema, formatInfo, getCollectionItemPath(config, collection, slug), (_args$ = args[0]) === null || _args$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$.resolveLinkedFiles, `"${slug}" in collection "${collection}"`, fsReader, slug, collectionConfig.slugField, glob); |
| }; |
| const list = () => listCollection(collectionPath, glob, formatInfo, extension, fsReader); |
| return { |
| read, |
| readOrThrow: async (...args) => { |
| const entry = await read(...args); |
| if (entry === null) { |
| throw new Error(`Entry "${args[0]}" not found in collection "${collection}"`); |
| } |
| return entry; |
| }, |
| // TODO: this could drop the fs.stat call that list does for each item |
| // since we just immediately read it |
| all: async (...args) => { |
| const slugs = await list(); |
| return (await Promise.all(slugs.map(async slug => { |
| const entry = await read(slug, args[0]); |
| if (entry === null) return []; |
| return [{ |
| slug, |
| entry |
| }]; |
| }))).flat(); |
| }, |
| list |
| }; |
| } |
| const readItem = cache(async function readItem(rootSchema, formatInfo, itemDir, resolveLinkedFiles, debugReference, fsReader, ...slugInfo) { |
| if (typeof slugInfo[0] === 'string') { |
| if (slugInfo[0].includes('\\')) return null; |
| const split = slugInfo[0].split('/'); |
| if (slugInfo[2] === '*' && split.length !== 1) return null; |
| if (split.includes('..') || split.includes('.')) return null; |
| } |
| const dataFile = await fsReader.readFile(getEntryDataFilepath(itemDir, formatInfo)); |
| if (dataFile === null) return null; |
| const { |
| loaded, |
| extraFakeFile |
| } = loadDataFile(dataFile, formatInfo); |
| const contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve = resolveLinkedFiles ? [] : undefined; |
| let validated; |
| try { |
| validated = parseProps(rootSchema, loaded, [], [], (schema, value, path, pathWithArrayFieldSlugs) => { |
| if (schema.formKind === 'asset' || schema.formKind === 'assets') { |
| return schema.reader.parse(value); |
| } |
| if (schema.formKind === 'content') { |
| contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve === null || contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve === void 0 || contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve.push(path); |
| return async () => { |
| let content; |
| const filename = pathWithArrayFieldSlugs.join('/') + schema.contentExtension; |
| if (filename === (extraFakeFile === null || extraFakeFile === void 0 ? void 0 : extraFakeFile.path)) { |
| content = extraFakeFile.contents; |
| } else { |
| var _await$fsReader$readF; |
| content = (_await$fsReader$readF = await fsReader.readFile(`${itemDir}/${filename}`)) !== null && _await$fsReader$readF !== void 0 ? _await$fsReader$readF : undefined; |
| } |
| return schema.reader.parse(value, { |
| content |
| }); |
| }; |
| } |
| if (path.length === 1 && slugInfo[0] !== undefined) { |
| const [slug, slugField, glob] = slugInfo; |
| if (path[0] === slugField) { |
| if (schema.formKind !== 'slug') { |
| throw new Error(`Slug field ${slugInfo[1]} is not a slug field`); |
| } |
| return schema.reader.parseWithSlug(value, { |
| slug, |
| glob |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| return schema.reader.parse(value); |
| }, true); |
| if (contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve !== null && contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve !== void 0 && contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve.length) { |
| await Promise.all(contentFieldPathsToEagerlyResolve.map(async path => { |
| const parentValue = getValueAtPropPath(validated, path.slice(0, -1)); |
| const keyOnParent = path[path.length - 1]; |
| const originalValue = parentValue[keyOnParent]; |
| parentValue[keyOnParent] = await originalValue(); |
| })); |
| } |
| } catch (err) { |
| const formatted = formatFormDataError(err); |
| throw new Error(`Invalid data for ${debugReference}:\n${formatted}`); |
| } |
| return validated; |
| }); |
| function singletonReader(singleton, config, fsReader) { |
| const formatInfo = getSingletonFormat(config, singleton); |
| const singletonPath = getSingletonPath(config, singleton); |
| const schema = object(config.singletons[singleton].schema); |
| const read = (...args) => { |
| var _args$2; |
| return readItem(schema, formatInfo, singletonPath, (_args$2 = args[0]) === null || _args$2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _args$2.resolveLinkedFiles, `singleton "${singleton}"`, fsReader, undefined); |
| }; |
| return { |
| read, |
| readOrThrow: async (...opts) => { |
| const entry = await read(...opts); |
| if (entry === null) { |
| throw new Error(`Singleton "${singleton}" not found`); |
| } |
| return entry; |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| export { cache as a, collectionReader as c, singletonReader as s }; |