| import 'fs/promises'; |
| import 'path'; |
| import { b as getDirectoriesForTreeKey, c as getCollectionPath, o as object, e as getSingletonFormat, h as getSingletonPath } from './index-382895ba.worker.js'; |
| import 'react/jsx-runtime'; |
| import 'emery'; |
| import '@braintree/sanitize-url'; |
| import 'ignore'; |
| import '@markdoc/markdoc/dist/index.mjs'; |
| import 'emery/assertions'; |
| import './index-08620d62.worker.js'; |
| function getAllowedDirectories(config) { |
| const allowedDirectories = []; |
| for (const [collection, collectionConfig] of Object.entries((_config$collections = config.collections) !== null && _config$collections !== void 0 ? _config$collections : {})) { |
| var _config$collections; |
| allowedDirectories.push(...getDirectoriesForTreeKey(object(collectionConfig.schema), getCollectionPath(config, collection), undefined, { |
| data: 'yaml', |
| contentField: undefined, |
| dataLocation: 'index' |
| })); |
| if (collectionConfig.template) { |
| allowedDirectories.push(collectionConfig.template); |
| } |
| } |
| for (const [singleton, singletonConfig] of Object.entries((_config$singletons = config.singletons) !== null && _config$singletons !== void 0 ? _config$singletons : {})) { |
| var _config$singletons; |
| allowedDirectories.push(...getDirectoriesForTreeKey(object(singletonConfig.schema), getSingletonPath(config, singleton), undefined, getSingletonFormat(config, singleton))); |
| } |
| return [...new Set(allowedDirectories)]; |
| } |
| export { getAllowedDirectories }; |