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import { ae as basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse, ad as FieldDataError, af as assertRequired } from './index-928eabce.node.react-server.esm.js';
import { e as IntegerFieldInput } from './empty-field-ui-5b08ee07.node.react-server.esm.js';
import { jsx } from 'react/jsx-runtime';
import 'emery';
import '@sindresorhus/slugify';
import '@braintree/sanitize-url';
function validateInteger(validation, value, label) {
if (value !== null && (typeof value !== 'number' || !Number.isFinite(value))) {
return `${label} is not a valid whole number`;
if (validation !== null && validation !== void 0 && validation.isRequired && value === null) {
return `${label} is required`;
if (value !== null) {
if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.min) !== undefined && value < validation.min) {
return `${label} must be at least ${validation.min}`;
if ((validation === null || validation === void 0 ? void 0 : validation.max) !== undefined && value > validation.max) {
return `${label} must be at most ${validation.max}`;
function integer({
}) {
return basicFormFieldWithSimpleReaderParse({
Input(props) {
return /*#__PURE__*/jsx(IntegerFieldInput, {
label: label,
description: description,
validation: validation,
defaultValue() {
return defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== void 0 ? defaultValue : null;
parse(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return null;
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return value;
throw new FieldDataError('Must be a number');
validate(value) {
const message = validateInteger(validation, value, label);
if (message !== undefined) {
throw new FieldDataError(message);
assertRequired(value, validation, label);
return value;
serialize(value) {
return {
value: value === null ? undefined : value
// this is written like this rather than ArrayField<ComponentSchema> to avoid TypeScript erroring about circularity
function component(options) {
return options;
export { component as c, integer as i };